Kristin Whitehair Author Archive
Facebook: Kristin Whitehair Twitter: @kwhit14
Kristin Whitehair is the e-resources librarian at Johnson County Library in Kansas. In the last decade Whitehair has worked in both public and academic libraries. Whitehair earned a MLIS from Louisiana State University and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Kansas. At the moment Whitehair is reading The Human Body by Paolo Giordano and watching The Man in the High Castle.

Getting Your Makerspace Off the Ground
In all types of libraries, services, collections, and spaces are being redesigned as a response to changing patron needs and preferences. Advancement in technology is fueling these changes. Outside of libraries, these changes are causing businesses to rethink their products, services, and delivery methods. All of this together is changing how the modern workforce performs its work and the skill sets it needs in the dynamic modern workplace. At Johnson County Library, located in the Kansas suburbs surrounding Kansas City, these factors combined, led to the creation of a makerspace.[1] As the library re-evaluated its approach to traditional business reference services, a redesign of the central library was also in the planning stages. Moreover, a flexible approach to programming allowed these three forces to combine, creating fertile grounds for the launch of a makerspace.