PLDS - Public Libraries Online A Publication of the Public Library Association Mon, 04 Dec 2017 20:20:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The 2017 Public Library Data Service Report: Characteristics and Trends Mon, 04 Dec 2017 20:20:33 +0000 The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) annual survey is conducted by Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. (CO) on behalf of the Public Library Association (PLA). This 2017 survey of public libraries from the United States and Canada captured fiscal year 2016 (FY2016) data on finances, resources, service usage, and technology. Each year PLDS includes a special section. This year the supplemental questions focused on young adult services.

The post The 2017 Public Library Data Service Report: Characteristics and Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

Ian Reid is VP, Customer Service, and Carl Thompson is President, Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd., Toronto. Contact Ian at Contact Carl at Ian is currently reading The Dark Tower by Stephen King. Carl is currently reading Seniority by Shawn O’Shea.

The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) annual survey is conducted by Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. (CO) on behalf of the Public Library Association (PLA). This 2017 survey of public libraries from the United States and Canada captured fiscal year 2016 (FY2016) data on finances, resources, service usage, and technology. Each year PLDS includes a special section. This year the supplemental questions focused on young adult services.

The PLAmetrics online service offers subscribers access to the longitudinal PLDS data sets from FY2002. Also included is the Public Library Survey (PLS) annual data (from FY2000) as provided by the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS). PLAmetrics provides real-time access to meaningful and relevant public library data for peer benchmarking and trend analysis using a custom reporting service.

This report includes an analysis of selected measures from the FY2016 PLDS and trends, conducted by CO using the PLAmetrics reporting service.

Research Method and Context

Participation in the PLDS is voluntary and participants have the option to provide responses to any and/or all questions that comprise the survey. As in previous years, public libraries in the United States and Canada are invited to participate in the survey.

CO sent 5,564 emails to launch the survey (January 2017). In addition, public libraries and state agencies were noti ed of the survey via email, social media, and web page posts. Postcards promoting participation were handed out at the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting (2017). In total, over 5,591 unique libraries were contacted. Follow-up letters and emails were sent throughout February and March. The original deadline for submission (March 31, 2017) was extended to April 30, 2017.

State data coordinators from the U.S. and Provincial/Association coordinators in Canada were contacted about promoting the survey to their libraries. Their involvement led to increased participation including, 3,055 (2,704 in 2016) of U.S. and Canadian public libraries partially or fully responding to the request for data, a response rate of 54 percent (a 12.9 percent increase over 2016).

Copies of the survey including definitions are available online via the PLDS Survey site and at


The following summary of key findings is based primarily on analysis of results from the cohort of continuously reporting libraries:

  • Over the last five years library programs per capita have grown at a rate (6.3 percent) twice the decrease in circulation per capita (-3.0 percent).
  • Since 2012, staff expenditures (representing over 67 percent of operating expenditures) increased 7.05 percent while the number of staff/capita decreased -1.5 percent.
  • Electronic circulation is growing steadily at a rate of 11.7 percent, but not sufficiently to off set the decline in physical materials circulation.
  • Consortial sharing relationships for electronic materials significantly increased Holdings for libraries with a Population of Legal Service Area <100,000.
  • Declines in circulation may in part be a result of changes in measurement over time (differences in circulation policies especially for electronic materials) and due to an overall decline in library usage that mirrors the de- cline in unemployment rates (that have dropped steadily since 2011), reductions in usage of CD/DVD materials and a slowing uptake in electronic usage.
  • While expenditure on CD/DVD materials ($2.26/capita) decreased $0.02 in FY2016 there was a decline in share (-4.08 percent) of overall circulation.

Operating Finances

Figure 1 shows that since FY2012, library income per capita increased $3.87, an average of 2.9 percent/year, whereas the US and Canadian economies grew at an average annual rate of 2.06 percent and 1.86 percent respectively over the same period.1

Figure 1

In the year between FY2015-16 the library group serving populations between 100,000 and 499,999 received the largest increase in income per capita, 5.2 percent (N=144), compared to increases of 2.3 percent (N=221) for those serving populations under 100,000 and 2.2 percent (N=63) for those serving populations over 500,000. Large library expenditures increased at 2.9 percent, a 0.7 percent rate higher than their change in income. Expenditures for the small and medium libraries increased at 1.3 percent and 3.7 percent respectively.

Figure 2 shows the five-year trends for the continuously responding libraries for staff (N=428), materials (N=428) and other expenditures (N=426) per capita since FY2012. Since 2012, spending has increased $2.22/capita (1.99 percent annually) on staff, $0.39/capita (1.89 percent annually) on materials, and $1.36/capita (3.81 percent annually) on other expenditures. As discussed later in this article, number of staff per capita has decreased -3.4 percent since FY2012, suggesting the combination of hours worked, staff composition, and costs and not overall head counts, are driving the increase in staff spending.

Figure 2

Based on those libraries that have responded continuously for the past ten years (N=161), spending levels on materials in FY2016 ($5.92 per capita) is just shy of the pre-recession levels ($5.93 per capita) which peaked in FY2008 (Figure 3). This pattern of spending also appears to be consistent with the growth in US GDP (most continuously responding libraries being American).

Figure 3

Service Levels

Figure 4 shows a significant increase (5.4 percent) in holdings per capita in FY2015, which increased from 2.83 to 2.86 items per capita (0.9 percent) in 2016. It bears noting that the FY2015 increase in average holdings per capita was primarily the result of several libraries reporting, for the first time, electronic materials holdings accessible through consortium agreements (see also Table 2 and related discussion).

Figure 4

Table 2

Figure 4 also shows that since FY2012, almost all output service level indicators (on a per capita basis) continue to decrease except for programs (11.7 percent), and in-library use (0.28 in-library uses/ capita), which has rebounded significantly since FY2014, but still well below FY2012 counts. In the past year (FY2015-16) the following have decreased (least to greatest: circulation (-3.0 percent), visits (-3.6 percent), and reference transactions (-9.8 percent). Since 2012, only programs per capita (27 percent) from 11.97 to 15.26 programs/capita. This increasing emphasis on programming is one indication of how library services are transitioning. Pew Research, found from the “Libraries 2016” survey that 80 percent of respondents (U.S. adults 16 and older) say libraries should offer programs to teach people digital skills.2 As programming gains importance and requires more resources of the library (money, staff, space, collateral, equipment, etc.), libraries will need to better prepare to demonstrate their efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. Efforts by the PLA and Project Outcome support measures of program effectiveness that are increasingly important. Libraries will also need to find better measures of program delivery costs and efficiencies, to complete the new measures of effectiveness in programming as evidence for stakeholders to support libraries as they maintain and grow these services.

It is equally important to better inform library administrators as they allocate resources. Currently, most data sets (PLDS included) have no data on budgets and program development expenditures. These might be combined with “other expenditures” and/or buried in the “staff” costs. While it is reasonable to assume that as more programs are offered, costs are also increasing, currently there is no data support measures at a macro level, and in most instances, libraries do not know their true programming costs at a micro level (e.g., per program, per participant, etc.). Currently, therefore, it is difficult to assess the impact on budgets resulting from increases in library program service delivery and on comparative resource allocations.

Unemployment rates more than doubled in the United States (Figure 5) during the recent recession.3 At the same time, library visits and circulation increased before steadily decreasing as unemployment declined to pre-recession levels. This is not likely the only factor affecting the decline in traditional measures of library usage, but it does indicate why libraries now need to consider new and better measures of their efficiency and effectiveness.

Figure 5

Materials Expenditures and Usage

Table 1 shows mean materials expenditures by population group since FY2012. Small and Medium Libraries serving populations less than 500,000 generally show year-over-year increases in mean expenditures. Medium and Large libraries show more variable spending on materials. The larger libraries serving populations of 500,000 or more spent more on materials in FY2016 than the previous 4 years, a 6.2 percent increase over FY2015. Ten large libraries reported greater than 25 percent increases in material spending compared to FY2015; resulting from increases in mill levies and other funding increases.

Table 1

Figure 6 shows changes in mean materials expenditures per capita by type. Mean electronic materials expenditure increased $0.56 (55.9 percent). While average spending on print materials decreased $0.12 (-4.5 percent) and mean CD/DVD expenditures decreased $0.03 (-3.2 percent). Mean other material expenditures increased $0.11 (23.2 percent).

Figure 6

These per capita spending trends align with patterns of usage that emerge from the data. For example, among the continuously responding libraries (N=427), Figure 7 shows per capita circulation by type of material as a percentage of total circulation for those that report circulation by type of material (i.e., not total circulation only).

Figure 7

Print and CD/DVD materials circulation per capita continue to decrease relative to total circulation while other materials circulated (includes electronic materials), continue to increase. As a percentage of total circulation per capita, both print circulation and CD/DVD continue to comprise a smaller proportion of overall circulation. Since FY2012, increases in electronic circulation per capita (7.0 percent), as shown in Figure 8, account for a corresponding decrease in CD/DVD circulation per capita (-6.0 percent) and the remaining proportion by the decrease in print material circulation/capita (-4.2 percent).

Figure 8Correspondingly, libraries are adjusting their spending on materials. As Figure 9 demonstrates, overall circulation per capita continues to decline at a rate of -3.0 percent per year while overall materials spending has increased at a rate of 1.9 percent per year.

Figure 9

Spending on CD/DVD, as shown in Figure 6, is relatively unchanged over the last five years but mean circulation of these items has decreased at -6.5 percent per year, as shown in Figure 10; likely a result of increases in use of music and video downloading services.

Similarly print materials circulation has decreased by -2.9 percent each year, as depicted in Figure 10. Since 2012, print materials expenditure has decreased at a rate -1.1 percent (see Figure 6).

Figure 10

Conversely electronic material circulation continues to expand at a rate of 30.0 percent per year (Figure 10), and expenditure on these materials has increased at a rate of 11.7 percent (Figure 6). Between FY2015-16 Electronic circulation increased at a rate of 15.0 percent indicating the service is maturing and growing at a slower rate each year. The costs for this rapid growth in electronic circulation is not always fully born by each library given widespread use of consortial purchasing arrangements many libraries have engaged in to provide these materials. As a result, spending on these materials has not had to increase at a similar rate.

Table 2 shows the five-year trend for total circulation and electronic circulation per capita for all continuously responding libraries, grouped by population of the legal service area. Large libraries serving populations of 500,000+ show the highest decline in overall circulation per capita (-3.2 percent annually) whereas electronic circulation per capita shows the strongest growth rate (33.6 percent annually).

There are challenges in comparing electronic circulation with other types of materials circulation given the differences in lending policies across materials types. While a circulation means an item has been lent to a library user, a policy that mixes shorter and longer lending periods and/or auto-renewals will impact comparative analysis and turnover rates and other measures of materials availability (for lending). This means that circulation counts between peer institutions and between material types within the same institution and over time, are becoming increasingly difficult to compare. Some policies may not be solely at the discretion of the library especially with e-materials downloaded from third parties and/or as part of a consortium. Factors such as number of copies, simultaneous uses and/or total days of use also factor in consistent measurement of circulation. As a result, the upcoming 2018 PLDS survey includes new questions about circulation policy and counts for various material types, in hopes of developing better measures for understanding these trends.

Table 3 shows the five-year trend for holdings per capita for all continuously responding libraries grouped by legal service area. Small Libraries serving populations less than 100,000 (N=222) show the highest per capita increase in holdings (8.7 percent annually), largely impacted by consortial membership agreements providing access to large repositories of electronic materials, first reported in FY2015. The addition of these titles has significantly increased the average number of holdings per capita. Similarly, libraries serving populations of 100,000– 499,999 also increased their holdings per capita in FY2015 (5.2 percent) and FY2016 (6.8 percent). This new reality likely means greater variability in holdings trends given the immediate impact of sizeable changes afforded by such consortial arrangements. The large libraries have reduced their holdings on average -1.6 percent despite higher spending in FY2015-16 as compared to the three preceding years (see Table 1).

Table 3

Collection turnover rates also reflect the trends in the composition of holdings and circulation. These large increases in holdings have led to lower collection turnover rates. Figure 11 shows that since FY2014 libraries serving populations less than 500,000 have the highest decline in the turnover rate. Larger libraries serving populations over 500,000 show a decrease in holdings over the last five years, with corresponding declines in circulation and turnover.

Figure 11

Decreasing circulation and collection turnover rates create a perception that the need for and/or value of libraries is somehow diminishing. Instead these measures continue to emphasize that the mix of library services are changing, and that holdings and circulation counts are increasingly becoming more difficult to consistently measure.

Programs and Attendance

In contrast to the downward trend in circulation/capita (-11.4 percent since FY2012), there has been significant growth in programs per capita (27.5 percent since FY2012) and program attendance per capita (16.9 percent since FY2012) (Figure 12). Interestingly, circulation/capita has decreased annually at a rate of -3.0 percent since FY2012, programs per capita has increased by more than twice that rate (6.3 percent) and attendance per capita a rate of 4.0 percent.

Figure 12

While libraries continue to invest in holdings (despite decreasing use), it is apparent that they are allocating more resources to programming although there are no specific measures available to confirm this other than the obvious. Programming competes for resources including space, personnel, equipment, materials, management time, time spent on community engagement, and more. As this trend continues, library management will increasingly need better ongoing measures (efficiency and effectiveness data) as they adapt and optimize the mix of traditional and new services including programming.

Figure 13 contrasts the rate of increase in programming with a much slower growth in hours of operation and declines in staff per capita. If the growth in programming continues, it may be constrained by potential capacity issues, such as hours open, staff resources and space, although these may not be of immediate concern depending on where/when and how programs are delivered (in-library, online, asynchronously, in community). Nevertheless, expanding the number of hours open to accommodate more programming (perhaps at more convenient times) implies a potential increase in commitment for additional resources, including staff. Correspondingly, there will be a need for libraries to justify those commitments.

Figure 13


In the past five years, as shown in Figure 14, little has changed regarding staffing head counts among the continuously responding libraries (N=429). The average number of staff is relatively static over the past five years decreasing at a rate of -0.71 percent, mostly due to the increase in population over the same period (1.0 percent). Since FY2012, staff expenditure per capita increased at a rate of 1.99 percent with the largest increase (2.3 percent) in FY2016. Staff expenditure are increasing faster than the number of staff. The increase reflects changes in the composition of staff and/or costs per person and/or hours per staff member. Figure 15 compares FY2012 with FY2016 results for the average percentage of MLS, Non-MLS and other staff for the continuously responding libraries. In the last five years, the average percentage of MLS librarians has increased at a rate of 0.71 percent. The average percentage of Non-MLS librarians has increased faster (3.50 percent), o set by declines in other staff (-1.30 percent) which are likely lower on a per capita basis (due to the increase in population over the same period).

Figure 14

Figure 15


Web visits (see Figure 16) continue to decline (-5.8 percent in FY2016). This may be attributed to several factors that complicate the process of tracking virtual visits. This includes factors such as: almost 70 percent of continuously respond- ing libraries report having library apps for mobile devices and over 95 percent use social networking (see Figure 17). Since native apps are distinct from the website, it is likely these users are using an app rather than visiting the library website for the service/materials they need. Similarly, social network pages can be accessed without first visiting or possibly ever visiting the library website, so these web visits may not be counted—or worse—may be double or triple counted as they navigate across and between distinct web properties (e.g., ILS, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Linked-In, Twitter, online databases, third party e-media services, etc.).

Figure 16The percentage of libraries that indicate they have community links (83.2 percent) and library staff content (80.7 percent) decreased again in FY2016, but 5.0% over 80 percent of continuously responding libraries still provide such content (see Figure 17). Fewer libraries reported that they support patron books reviews (37.5 percent) and online book clubs/discussion forums (26.3 percent). More libraries affirmed that they offer social networking (96.4 percent), virtual reference services (81.8 percent), content in languages other than English (47.6 percent), and user driven content (32.4 percent). Better integration of library content (website, ILS, …) with major search engines, providing/ promoting a mix of curated content on the website and other efforts should help drive traffic and possibly slow and/or reverse the downward trend in website visits.

Figure 17

The percentage of libraries that circulate laptops (33.0 percent), tablets (27.2 percent) and e-readers (27.0 percent) decreased in FY2016 (see Figure 18). This appears to coincide with the growth in ownership of web enabled devices (smartphones, laptops and tablets) reported by Pew Research in mid-2015 (see appendix).4 More libraries affirmed that they circulate other equipment (42.4 percent), an increase of 6.8 percent from FY2015.

Figure 18


In the analysis of the data, many key ratios are based on the population of legal service area—i.e., trends on a per capita basis. Among the continuously reporting libraries (N=428), Table 4 shows that changes in populations served should be included in any analysis of the results. As such, our analysis of the data includes such comparisons using per capita results.

Table 4

PLDS Survey Summary FY2016

Table 5 (see page 30) summarizes usage data captured during the 2017 PLDS survey (FY2016 data). Overall more libraries reported all the measures listed in Table 5, however fewer libraries reported each component of circulation: print, CD/DVD, and other. As well, fewer libraries reported annual renewals in FY2016. Although fewer libraries reported these components of circulation, more libraries reported electronic circulation compared to FY2015.


PLAmetrics is your portal to the Public Library Data Service (PLDS) Statistical Report digital database. The database offers you access to all the yearly PLDS data currently available (FY02–FY16) and access to the IMLS data (FY00–FY15). The report is compiled from surveys submitted by public libraries across the United States and Canada and presents timely and topical data on finances, library resources, annual use figures, and technology to assist public library administrators in making informed management decisions.


The post The 2017 Public Library Data Service Report: Characteristics and Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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The 2014 Public Library Data Service Statistical Report: Characteristics & Trends Tue, 02 Jun 2015 19:59:07 +0000 The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) is an annual survey conducted by PLA. This 2014 survey of public libraries from the United States and Canada collected fiscal year (FY) 2013 information on finances, resources, service usage, and technology. Each year PLDS includes a special survey highlighting one service area or public library topic. In the 2014 survey, the supplemental questions focused on performance measures. PLA continues its relationship with Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. to provide the service for capturing the data and for the online PLAmetrics subscription service offering access to the longitudinal PLDS data sets going back to FY2002 and data from the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS) going back to FY2000. PLAmetrics provides public libraries real-time access to meaningful and relevant public library data for comparing and assessing their operations using a variety of custom report formats and customizable report templates. This report presents selected metrics for FY2014 PLDS data and previous year results in tables and charts with related observations. The results in this report were compiled using PLAmetrics.

The post The 2014 Public Library Data Service Statistical Report: Characteristics & Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) is an annual survey conducted by PLA. This 2014 survey of public libraries from the United States and Canada collected fiscal year (FY) 2013 information on finances, resources, service usage, and technology. Each year PLDS includes a special survey highlighting one service area or public library topic. In the 2014 survey, the supplemental questions focused on performance measures.

PLA continues its relationship with Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. to provide the service for capturing the data and for the online PLAmetrics subscription service offering access to the longitudinal PLDS data sets going back to FY2002 and data from the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS) going back to FY2000. PLAmetrics provides public libraries real-time access to meaningful and relevant public library data for comparing and assessing their operations using a variety of custom report formats and customizable report templates.

This report presents selected metrics for FY2014 PLDS data and previous year results in tables and charts with related observations. The results in this report were compiled using PLAmetrics.

Research Method and Context

Participation in the PLDS is voluntary and participants have the option of providing responses to any or all of the questions that comprise the survey. Similar to previous years, public libraries in the United States and Canada were invited to participate in the survey. Emails (2,841) were sent to launch the survey (February). All PLA members were notified of the survey launch via email, social media, and webpage posts; postcards were handed out and the survey was promoted during a PLAmetrics session (at PLA 2014 in Indianapolis); follow-up letters and emails were sent throughout March and April and the deadline for submission was extended to May 13th. State data coordinators from the United States and Provincial/association coordinators in Canada were contacted about promoting the survey to their libraries. Their involvement again led to increased awareness and participation. 2,454 of American and Canadian public libraries partially or fully responded to the request for data—a response rate of 26 percent (a 23 percent increase over last year); however, due to the voluntary nature of this survey, several libraries had to be contacted for additional data resulting in 1,800 libraries included in the final data analysis. This is a decrease from last year’s number of 1,897, but still higher than previous years of 1,579 and 1,461.

Please refer to the PLDS Survey website for copies of the survey and definitions of questions.

Overall Summary

Similar to previous years, table 1 depicts summary data representing all libraries that provided non-zero values for the selected
measures. Though the number of reporting libraries increased the mean, reported values all decreased (exception number of programs with a modest 0.7% increase) compared to FY2012 results, indicating that the increased response rate includes smaller libraries. Consistent with previous years, we also include analysis of the continuously responding libraries and comparison of results within each population grouping.

Descriptive Statistics for the 2014 PLDSPLAmetrics includes data from FY2002. Figure 1 shows the cumulative percentage change in mean per capita values reported by the continuously responding libraries (N=230) over the past 11 years since FY2003. Some traditional input/output measures (Circulation, Library Visits) peaked in FY2009.

Percentage Chains in Mean Service LevelsBetween FY2008 and FY2009 the United States and Canada were in full recession. Since 2009, other than Holdings and Registrations, each of these measures has declined with Reference Transactions and In-Library Use showing more significant decreases.

Holdings per capita grew at an overall rate of 1.1% per year since FY2003. The rate of growth in holdings in the past 3 years (FY2011 to FY2013) was 2.5% per year, which is more than 3.5 times the rate of growth (0.7% per year) between FY2003 and F2011. This rate of growth can be attributed to the addition of electronic materials (see figure 10) while populations have increased at a slower rate (see figure 17 for population information).

Registered borrowers per capita for the group of continuously responding libraries (N=230) has grown by 4.8% since FY2003 as shown in figure 2. The fastest growth occurred between FY2007 and FY2010 and has declined across all libraries in the past year—more than ever before.

Percentage in Mean Registered BorrowersCoincident with these changes has been the growth in the use of mobile phones and mobile browsing.

According to a September 2013 Pew Research Center article, “Six in ten cell phone owners (63%) now go online using their mobile phones, an eight-point increase from the 55% of cell owners who did so at a similar point in 2012 and a two-fold increase over the 31% who did so in 2009.”1

Newer devices, such as tablets, e-readers, and netbooks that are more affordable and, for many, easier and more intuitive to use have also emerged in the market. Technology has put the library (its website) and other information sources more readily at hand and given library users an alternative to visiting the library or using the reference services of the library.

Operating Finances

Since the recession, mean library income has flattened reflecting a tightening of available funding and a corresponding reduction in spending. Figure 3 shows the year-over-year percentage increase in mean income since FY2003 with related percentage changes in mean Expenditures for the continuously responding libraries. Between FY2003 and 2009, mean library income per capita increased by 25.4% but in the last 5 years (FY2009–2013) mean income per capita decreased by 1.01%. For these same periods, mean expenditures per capita increased by 25.23% (FY2003–2009) and decreased by 1.14% (FY2009–2013).

Percentage Change in Mean Income Per Capita and Expenditure Per CapitaFigure 4 includes the five-year trend for mean income and expenditures per capita for the continuously responding libraries. The margin between income and expenditures narrowed in FY2013 resulting in an overall mean budget surplus of $2.66 per capita compared to a budget surplus of $3.02 per capita in FY2008.

Trend (Five-Year) Mean Income and Expenditures Per CapitaBudget surpluses were maintained by all population groups in FY2013, although these diminished compared to the previous 2 years (FY2011 and FY2012). Those libraries serving a population of legal service area (Pop LSA) more than 500,000 reported income per capita ($42.87) and expenditures per capita ($43.65) resulting in a narrow per capita budget balance surplus ($0.78) as depicted in figure 5.

Trend Mean Budget Balance by Population GroupWith income per capita plateauing since 2008, libraries have been unable to increase their spending without running thinner budget surpluses. Budgeting allocations are shifting—for example, increased purchases of e-materials, increases in staff expenditures (see figure 6)—and necessitating a shift of spending in other areas of the library and emphasis perhaps in seeking new funding sources (for example, donations, grants, and so on).

Percentage Change in Operating Expenditures and IncomeOperating Expenditures

Figure 6 shows the cumulative percentage change in Expenditures per capita by type, with reference to the percentage change in income per capita for the continuously responding libraries (N=230). It is notable that staff expenditures per capita (+0.17%) have increased more than any other area since 2009. Materials expenditures per capita (-2.15%) and other expenditures per capita (-0.47%) have decreased.

Figure 7 shows continuously responding libraries (N=229), that reported some combination of print, electronic, CD/DVD and other expenditures. In addition, figure 7 shows overall materials expenditure per capita modestly declining (-0.72% per year) since FY2009. The most significant components of change are attributed to the increase in e-materials spending (63%) and Other Materials spending (12%) with reductions in print materials spending (-18%) and CD/DVD spending (-8%) since 2009.

Trend in Mean Materials Expenditure Per Capita by TypeCirculation

In the 6 years between 2003 and 2009, mean circulation per capita increased at a rate of 3.23% per year and is declining at a rate of -1.25% per year ever since (N=230). Figure 8 shows the levels of mean circulation per capita since 2008 and the changes in mean materials expenditures over the same period. Since peaking in FY2010, mean circulation per capita has decreased an average of 150 circulations per 1000 persons per year.

Per Capita Trend in Mean Circulation and Materials ExpenditureA contraction in materials expenditure and changes in the mix of materials purchased may be impacting changes in material circulation. Figure 9 shows a decrease (-17.6%) in print materials spending and a decrease (-6.9%) in print materials circulation since FY2009. Print materials circulation and spending appear to be strongly related at a ratio of approximately 2.5:1. This suggests that should spending on print materials continue to decrease at the rate of ~5% per year, then print circulation could likely continue to decrease at a rate of ~2% per year.

Trend in Mean Print Circulation Per Capita and Mean Expenditures Print Materials Per CapitaConversely, figure 10 shows mean electronic materials spending per capita and mean electronic circulation per capita (since this metric began being captured in FY2011) increasing at a rate of 12.9% per year and 66.8% per year respectively. But, despite these rates of growth for electronic materials, overall circulation has still declined for the continuously responding libraries.

Mean other materials circulation per capita has grown 8.06% per year since 2008. Other circulation includes laptops, e-book readers, tablets, MP3 players, game consoles, and other equipment that more libraries have declared they circulate in the past 3 years (see figure 15). Conversely mean CD/DVD circulation/capita declined 0.59% per year and spending on CD/DVD materials/capita decreased at a rate of 1.3% per year since 2009. These declines are not unexpected since CD/DVD materials are being gradually phased out in favor of downloadable formats.

Trend in Mean Electronic Circulation Per Capita and Mean Expenditures Electronic Materials Per CapitaTable 2 shows that circulation per capita has declined for all population groups at a rate greater than 1% per year over the past 5 years.

Trend in Mean Circulation Per Capita by Population GroupingHoldings

Mean holdings per capita has increased from 3.51 (FY2003) to 5.35 (FY2013) for the continuous reporting libraries; a growth rate of 4.3%/year since 2003 (3.0%/year between 2003 and 2009 and 6.3%/year between 2009 and 2013). Table 3 shows libraries serving populations under 100,000 have increased their holdings in the past 5 years, while libraries serving populations over 500,000 have trimmed their holdings. Some exceptional increases in holdings were reported by the smaller libraries (serving populations under 5,000). One impact on these results may relate to how electronic materials are counted.

Figure 11 shows Collection Turnover Rates per capita for each population group. As a result of greater increases in holdings relative to circulation, over the past 5 years libraries serving populations under 100,000 have lower collection turnover rates decreasing at a rate between -1.5% and -8.6% per year. Libraries serving populations greater than 100,000, however, decreased their holdings per capita relatively faster than the decrease in circulation per capita. Collection turnover per capita rates have declined by 0.3% per year for libraries serving 100,000 to 499,999, and 0.4% per year for libraries serving more than 500,000 persons.

Mean Holdings Per Capita Trends by Population Grouping with Five-Year Growth RateTrend in Collection Turnover Rates Per Capita by Population GroupingStaff

In FY2013 a new methodology and definition was implemented for capturing staff personnel counts. Previously, personnel head counts were reported as full-time equivalent (FTE) funded positions based on a standard work week of between 35 and 40 hours—whether the position was filled or not. The reporting requirement changed to ask for total actual hours worked per year for all staff persons paid by the library budget, including paid leave and vacation. This change was to normalize staffing figures provided by the libraries, improve the metric in terms of comparability and accuracy, and provide a measure of staff availability.

This change resulted in some challenges. Questions about this change required the most support throughout the survey with several respondents requiring clarification of the requirement. Based on the questions received, the wording of the definition was improved. Analysis and follow-up regarding outlier responses was undertaken. Hours worked were converted into FTE positions by dividing hours worked by the library’s defined standard work week (for example, 37.5 or 40 hours per week). These values were compared to previous years and other available data sets. Where necessary the libraries themselves were contacted to provide clarification or to update their response.

For the continuously responding libraries (N~218), table 4 summarizes the staff hours by type with totals for number of librarian hours and all paid staff.

Summary of Staff Hours FY2013The values in table 4 are automatically converted in PLAmetrics to Numbers of Paid staff by type, totals, and key ratios. The following is based on these conversions and comparable data from previous years.

Figure 12 shows the mean number of paid staff has declined for the continuously responding libraries (N~230) from 196.7 to 181.5 staff persons. Figure 13 shows that during the same time, the percentage of FTE librarians increased while the percentage of other qualified staff FTEs have declined.

Number of Paid Staff Per Capita

Staff Composition by Percentage of FTE Librarians and FTE with Other QualificationsBetween FY2009 and FY2013 mean salary expenditures per capita declined from a peak of $26.45 per capita to $25.44 in FY2011 and since has increased to an average of $25.77 per capita for the continuously responding libraries (N=230) (see figure 14). With flat growth in library income since 2009, and a corresponding reduction in overall spending on staff between FY2009 and FY2010, each component of staff shrank somewhat in 2010. However, since then, the percentage of non-MLS librarian FTEs has increased (9.9% annual growth) while the percentage of MLS librarians has decreased (-1.4% per year). Since 2010 mean other staff per capita decreased at a rate of -0.4% annually despite a 2.8% increase between FY2012 and FY2013.

Changes in Mean Numbers of Staff by Type and Five-Year Trend Mean Salary Expenditure Per CapitaTechnology

In the past three years, more libraries (continuously responding libraries) declared that they offer a growing variety of tech equipment. Figure 15 shows a significant increase in the percentage of libraries that circulate tablets—an average 98% increase in each of the last 2 years. Several libraries also declared that they offer e-book readers (33% more since FY2011), while laptops and MP3 players were offered by an average of 9% and 8% more libraries respectively in each of the past two years, although MP3 players were offered by 0.3% fewer libraries in FY2013.

Affirmative Response RateMarshall Breeding has recommended that “It is important for libraries to keep a close eye on the technology trends in the broader consumer arena. We in libraries need to be tuned into the technology habits of each slice of the demographics that use our services and do as much as possible to anticipate the next wave.”2 It is good to observe increases in the provision and circulation of technology devices listed in figure 14, including other equipment (for example, digital cameras, video recorders, projectors, wattage meters, leap pads, and so on), however fewer than 35% of the continuously responding libraries offer such electronic devices for circulation. As discussed earlier, it is possible that costs and/or additional spending are prohibitive due to the tightness of budgets and the myriad of competing expenditures. The reality of the last five years is likely holding more libraries back from offering a wider amount and variety of electronic equipment, combined with the challenges inherent with understanding, acquiring, and offering such emerging technologies.

In the same article, Breeding writes “libraries have been working to incorporate elements of social networking into their services and to better support mobile devices. In these areas, it seems as if libraries have been a bit slow on the uptake. Many library products now include some social features, and many patron-oriented products now have versions for mobile devices.”3 Figure 16 shows that as of FY2013, 97% of continuously responding libraries (N=288) offer social networking, compared to 88% (N=1027) of all responding libraries. By FY2015 program and events calendars, the OPAC and social networking will likely be offered by all continuously responding libraries if current growth rates of 1.7% per year continue. It is interesting that online book clubs/discussion forums were offered by fewer libraries (-6.2%) in FY2013.

Three-Year Trend Affirmative Response RateThe number of libraries offering mobile applications has grown by 17% over the past two years among the continuously responding libraries. This growth has been most significant among the library web-based offerings, but slowed to 7.1% in FY2013. According to Pew Research, “As of January 2014, 90% of American adults have a cell phone. 58% have a smartphone.”4 Mobile usage and mobile apps are an area of library technologies that bears continued attention by the library community to enable real-time, anywhere access to information and services purveyed by libraries.

It is notable that community links, library staff–created content, virtual references services, and online bookclubs/discussion forums show fewer libraries affirming that they offer these. The combination of these offerings and others differentiate the library from similar alternate sources yet it seems a softening has occurred in these areas of service. Evidence is inconclusive in this area, but it is coincidental that website visits per capita for the continuously responding libraries (N=262) has declined 18.4% per year since 2012 from 17.65 to 11.76 website visits per capita in FY2013. As a metric of success this trend suggests a diminishing affinity for the content and services provided by the library website despite increased means to access these resources anywhere and anytime; and/or suggests that greater competition from other similar services and resources is drawing traffic away from library websites. Perhaps pathfinders like the Edge Initiative can help to direct and focus strategic efforts of more libraries to improve and attain continuous growth and development of their technology services offered to the public.


The foregoing discussion is largely based on per capita ratios. Since the population of legal service area is not static, figure 17 shows the mean population of legal service area (PopN LSA) grouped by various population groupings. From FY2003 to FY2013 PopN LSA grew annually: 0.38% for the group <99,000; -0.14% for the group 100,000 to 499,999; 0.86% for the group 500,000 and over; and, 0.56% for All Libraries (N=230).

Population of Legal Service Area

Performance Measures Survey—Outcome Measurement

As part of the 2014 PLDS survey, the PLA Performance Measurement Task Force (PMTF) introduced the special section on performance measures to learn about the awareness, importance, and readiness of public libraries in measuring program outcomes. Outcome measurement answers the question, “What difference did the program make to the user?” IMLS defines outcomes as “benefits to people: specifically, achievements or changes in skill, knowledge, attitude, behavior, condition, or life status for program participants (‘visitors will know what architecture contributes to their environments,’ ‘participant literacy will improve’).”5

Figure 18 shows the mean ratio of program attendees to programs per 1000 capita since FY2009 for the continuously responding libraries (N≤293). In the past 5 years this ratio has increased by 23.6%/year. However, between FY2009 and FY2010 the average number of programs per 1000 capita decreased by more than 50% resulting in the higher ratio of attendees to programs. Since FY2010 this ratio has increased at a rate of 0.94%/year.

Mean Attendance Per Program Per 1,000 CapitaAltogether, 430 libraries responded to the PLA Performance Measures Survey (Special Section), indicating that outcome measurement is Important (3.6 out of 5) and are Somewhat Ready (2.7 out of 5) to measure outcomes. Figure 19 shows the importance and readiness response levels (scale low (1) to high (5)) for each of the population groupings. Note, despite a slightly higher readiness score for the <5,000 population groups, the importance and readiness scores correspondingly increase with the size of PopLSA group. This is more apparent for importance scores where larger libraries serving populations of 100,000 or more responded that outcome measures are important to very important; and smaller libraries serving populations less than 100,000 responded that outcome measures are somewhat important to important. Only the libraries (PopLSA > 500,000) indicate being ready to capture/measure outcomes, and all other libraries in the other population groups responded that they are somewhat ready.

Importance and Readiness Response Levels for Outcome MeasuresThe capture of outcome measures is more challenging and requires the library to ask users (program participants) to declare the benefits they have realized from their library use and/or participation and/or find/track other sources of information relating to demonstrations of outcomes, such as improved grades, reading levels, increased participation rates, higher income, employment, and so on. It is not surprising that most libraries are only somewhat ready to capture and track outcome measures.

Figure 20 is a ranking of libraries that currently track other measures (Yes) by the twelve areas of measurement presented. Included are the number of libraries that currently measure outcomes and plan to track outcomes or other metrics. This chart essentially provides a glimpse of plans for evidence-based demonstration and defence of the value and benefit of the libraries.
Figure 21, shows the percentage of libraries planning to capture other (input/output) measures (Yes) in the twelve areas of measurement versus the percentage of libraries that do not plan to capture (No) these same measures in the future. Based on percentage of responses, the planned areas of other measures rank quite differently compared to the current other measures ranked in figure 20.

Response Count for Current and Future Outcomes and Other Measure by Area of MeasurementPercentage of Libraries Planning (or Not) Future Other Measures by Area of MeasurementSimilarly for planned outcome measures, figure 22 shows the percentage of libraries planning to capture outcome measures (Yes) in the twelve areas of measurement versus the percentage of libraries that do not plan to capture (No) these same measures in the future.

Percentage of Libraries Planning (or Not) Future Other Measures by Area of MeasurementPriorities show a different ranking of the areas of outcome measurement compared to library plans above. In table 5, early childhood literacy is the top priority, whereas in the future it is closer to the bottom. Perhaps this difference suggests a perceived degree of difficulty associated with the capture of some outcomes. While outcomes related to early childhood literacy are considered important, planning to capture these outcomes may represent a bigger challenge. For example, young children and/or infants cannot declare the benefits they have received through library use and participation; instead parents/caregivers may have to provide observations about outcomes (for example, increased levels of interest and/or enjoyment of reading).

Areas of Outcome Measurement Ranked by PriorityTable 6 shows the ranking of the outcome measurements by priority and readiness and cross-tabulated with importance. This ranking is very similar to the ranking by priority. Readiness responses and importance of outcomes at the library do not change the rankings much. For example, community engagement moved from fifth place by priority to fourth place ranked by priority and readiness and importance, a swap with digital access learning. Reaching all segments of the community, for example moved up 2 spots to sixth from eight above. Support for successful learning dropped from seventh by priority to ninth.

Areas of Outcome Measurement Ranked by Priority and Readiness and Grouped by Importance2015 PLDS Survey

The 2015 PLDS survey (FY2014 results) runs from January to April 30, 2015. To participate, please visit the PLDS survey website or send an email to for more information. The PLDS continues to capture timely and relevant data about public library trends and offers online access to this data through PLAmetrics. PLA encourages libraries to use this data to enhance their decision-making and advocacyefforts. We also encourage your comments and feedback. And once again, thank you to all of the responding libraries who took the time to participate.


  1. Pew Research Center, “Main Findings: Cell Internet Use 2013,” Sept. 16, 2013, accessed Jan. 14, 2015.
  2. Marshall Breeding, “The Systems Librarian: Library Technology Forecast for 2014 and Beyond,” Computers in Libraries 33, no. 10 (Dec. 2013), accessed Mar. 25, 2015.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Pew Research Center, “Cell Phone and Smartphone Ownership Demographics,” Dec. 17, 2013, accessed Jan. 14, 2015.
  5. Institute of Museum and Library Services, “Basics,” accessed Jan. 14, 2015.

The post The 2014 Public Library Data Service Statistical Report: Characteristics & Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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The 2013 Public Library Data Service Statistical Report: Characteristics and Trends Fri, 09 May 2014 19:03:15 +0000 This report presents selected metrics for FY2012 PLDS data and previous year results in tables and figures with related observations. The results in this report were compiled using PLAmetrics.

The post The 2013 Public Library Data Service Statistical Report: Characteristics and Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) is an annual survey conducted by PLA. This 2013 survey of public libraries from the United States and Canada collected fiscal year (FY) 2012 information on finances, resources, service usage, and technology. Each year, PLDS includes a special survey highlighting one service area or public library topic. This year these supplemental questions focused on facilities.

PLA and Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. continue to partner to provide the service for capturing the data and for the PLA metrics online portal subscription service—offering access to the longitudinal PLDS data sets going back to FY2002, and data from the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS) going back to FY2000. PLAmetrics provides public libraries real-time access to meaningful and relevant public library data for comparing and assessing their operations using a variety of custom report formats and customizable report templates.

This report presents selected metrics for FY2012 PLDS data and previous year results in tables and figures with related observations. The results in this report were compiled using PLAmetrics.

Research Method and Context

Participation in the PLDS is voluntary and participants have the option of providing responses to any or all of the questions that comprise the survey. Similar to previous years, public libraries in the United States and Canada were invited to participate in the survey. Emails (3,430) were sent to launch the survey in January 2013, postcards were handed out at the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, follow-up letters and emails were sent throughout March and April 2013, and the deadline for submission was extended from March 15 to April 15. State data coordinators from the U.S. and provincial/association coordinators in Canada were contacted about promoting the survey to their libraries. Their involvement again led to increased awareness and participation, with 1,949 of American and Canadian public libraries partially or fully responding to the request for data, a response rate of 21 percent (a 1.3 percent increase over the previous year). However, due to the voluntary nature of this survey, several libraries had to be contacted for additional data resulting in 1,897 libraries included in the final data analysis. This is an increase over 1,579 from FY2011 and 1,461 from FY2010.

Please refer to the online PLDS Survey site for copies of the survey and definitions of questions.

Overall Service Summary

The PLDS Survey includes questions that effectively characterize the operations (input and output measures) of each responding library. Table 1 includes a selection of summary data representingall libraries that provided non-zero values for each selected measure.

Descriptive Statistics of Participating PLDS 2013 Public Libraries (FY2012 Results)The FY2012 results include 1,897 responding libraries that reported their population of legal service area, a 20 percent increase compared to the FY2011 response count. Table 1 shows that the population served ranged between 143 to 3,819,702 with a mean and median population of 101,607 and 21,256 respectively. The results are characteristic of the overall composition of the PLDS FY2012 data set and these statistics are consistent with reality, whereby more than 82 percent of the reporting libraries serve populations less than 50,000. New this year is an increase in the number of participating libraries that serve populations of 50,000 or more (a 37 percent increase). For libraries serving populations less than 50,000, the increase in response rate is 14 percent more than last year. As a result of this increase in smaller libraries reporting data in FY2012, the mean and median values listed in table 1 have decreased. However, there is an exception of mean electronic circulation, which shows an increase of 63 percent overall and interlibrary loans (ILLs) to/from other libraries with modest increases in average and mean values compared to last year.


Throughout this article, the population of legal service area is used as the basis for grouping results and for per capita ratios. It is important to note that the sample of responding libraries is variable year-over-year and within each population grouping. As such, we also include analysis of continuous responder data. This discussion includes trends and comparisons for the data segmented into either:

  1. Distribution of FY2012 and FY2011 Public Libraries by Population of the Legal Service Areanine population of legal service area groupings (shown in figure 1); and/or
  2. as a group of libraries (N=352) that have consistently participated in each PLDS survey over the most recent three and/or five years (FY2008 to FY2012).

Figure 2 shows population by legal service area (Pop LSA) reported over the past five years. The trend shows an increase in participating public libraries that serve smaller populations, as evidenced by the lower mean and median values depicted in the last two years. The second part of figure 2 displays the Pop LSA data for the continuous participants, which highlights that the population for this group has not changed much over the past five years and therefore yield more consistent and comparable per capita metrics.

Trend of PLDS Public Libraries by Mean and Median Population of the Legal Service AreaRegistered Borrowers

For the continuously reporting libraries, table 2 shows a 2.2 percent increase in the average number of registered borrowers per capita in FY2012 for libraries serving populations fewer than 50,000 compared to a 4.1 percent average decrease in FY2011. Libraries serving populations of 50,000 or more reported an average 0.2 percent increase compared to a 1.5 percent decrease last year. Overall registered borrowers increased by just over 1 percent for this group of libraries in FY2012.

Three-Year Trend for the Percentage Registered Boorowers Per Capita by Population Group-COntinuously Reporting Libraries (N=352)


Three-Year Trend by Population Group for the Percentage of Mean Registered Borrowers per CapitaFor all libraries reporting both their population of legal service area and the number of registrations, figure 3 shows a three-year trend for mean registered borrowers per capita by population group. For FY2012:

  • Overall 1,897 libraries offer services to a total population of 192,748,171 including 102,759,178 registered borrowers (>71 percent of the population)
  • For those libraries with populations less than 25,000, these 1,010 libraries offer service to a population of 8,008,103 including 4,976,573 registered borrowers (>82 percent of the population)
  • For those libraries with populations more than 25,000, 887 libraries offer services to a population of 184,740,068 including 97,627,462 registered borrowers (>61 percent of the population)

Some libraries, particularly those serving fewer than 10,000, reported a higher number of registrations than the actual number of people in their population of legal service area. Differences in some instances are explained by:

  • 2010 census figures are often no longer accurate especially in communities with rapid expansion or contraction;
  • libraries may serve surrounding communities outside their LSA; or
  • influx of temporary and/or semi-permanent migrant workers.

While library registrations showed a small overall contraction in mean registered borrowers per capita in FY2011, FY2012 results show an increase for libraries serving populations less than 50,000, but a decrease for libraries serving populations of 50,000 or more. The most significant marginal change occurred in population groups under 5,000, with a 36 percent increase. For continuous reporting libraries, the most significant increase is for populations between 10,000 and 49,999. Figure 4 shows the five-year trend for all libraries, those libraries serving populations of 50,000 or more (i.e., excludes those serving populations less than 50,000), and the continuous responding libraries. Filtering out the smaller libraries indicates that registrations per capita has risen and fallen ever so slightly during the last five years for the larger libraries (varies between 56 and 60 percent). Registered borrowers per capita for continuous reporting libraries shows a stable trend (varies between 57 and 62 percent).

Five-Year Trend for the Percentage of Registered Borrowers Per CapitaHoldings

The three-year trend chart for mean holdings per capita, for continuous respondents, is shown in Figure 5 (note: reverse chronological order).

Three-Year Trend by Population Group for Mean Holdings per Capita-Continuously Reporting Libraries (N=350)The three-year trend for mean expenditures on holdings and e-materials, for continuous respondents, is shown in figure 6 (note: reverse chronological order).

Three-Year Trend by Population Group for Percentage Materials Expenditure Spent on E-Materials (N=346)Despite an average 20.98 percent increase in expenditures on e-materials as a percentage of total materials expenditure, holdings per capita for the continuous respondent group increased overall by only 2.9 percent.

When viewing the results for all respondents, the average holdings per capita show a very similar pattern as in previous years (see figure 7). The average overall FY2012 holdings per capita for all reporting libraries is 10.29 (N=1,592). This value is 81 percent greater than last year. This is likely due to the increased number of respondents serving smaller populations (< 25,000). As shown in figure 7, filtering out these libraries (populations < 25,000) the mean and median holdings per capita over the past five years is very stable with slightly more than 2 percent growth, which is similar to the continuous responding libraries (2.9 percent).

Five-Year Trend for Holdings Per Capita by Mean and Median ValuesCirculation

Continuous respondent libraries circulated about eleven items per capita on average in FY2012, 1.6 percent fewer than previous year’s average, as shown in table 3 by population groupings.

Three-Year Trend and Percentage Difference in Mean Annual Circulation per Capita by Population Group-Continuously Reporting LibrariesAlthough 53 libraries within the continuous respondent group did not report electronic circulation figures, the 0.41 e-circulations per capita (an 86 percent increase from previous year) were insufficient to offset the apparent lower reported circulation per capita of physical materials. This reduced level of circulation activity likely coincides with the decrease in library visits (see Library Visits).

Figure 8 shows a similar pattern of lower circulation per capita for all libraries except for those serving populations of less than 25,000. Within this group, a 2.5 percent increase in circulation per capita was reported by continuous responders.

Three-Year Trend for Mean Annual Circulation per Capita with Summary Stats by Population GroupTable 4 summarizes the circulation per capita results for continuous respondents that reported circulation by item type, including electronic circulation (N=291). Print circulation accounted for more than 58 percent, CD/DVDs accounted for more than 34 percent, and “other” accounted for more than 5.8% of circulation. These results are similar to the proportions found in the FY2011 survey.

FY2012 Circulation per Capita Summary for Libraries Reporting the COntribution of Circulation by Item Type-Continuously Reporting LibrariesTable 5 shows electronic circulation per capita for all libraries reporting each item type and circulation activity for their library. Table 6 shows electronic circulation for all libraries that reported this activity in FY2011 and/or FY2012. In FY2012 more than twice the number of libraries reported electronic circulation contributing to a 161 percent increase in total e-circulations (0.40 e-circulations per capita).

FY 2012 Circulation per Capita Summary for Libraries Reporting the COntribution by Item Type-All LIbrariesElectronic Circulation per Capita for All Libraries for FY2011 and FY2012Table 7 includes circulation per capita results for 242 continuous reporting libraries that reported both total annual circulation and renewals (renewals represents 27.3 percent of total annual circulation).

Annual Circulation and the Contribution of RenewalsCollection turnover rates (circulation/holdings) are depicted in figure 8 (FY2012 results for all libraries and the continuous reporting libraries).

The rates calculated for each library, summarized in figure 9, show the effect of a higher number of reporting libraries giving rise to lower mean and median collection turnover rates compared to previous years. The collection turnover rate for the continuous reporting libraries shows a continuing softening over the past three years. Collection turnover rates are likely also impacted by the current transition to new formats of holdings (e-materials) and new ways to consume information (circulation) and the ways in which these are counted.

Five-Year Trend for Collection Turnover Rates for All Libraries and Continuously Reporting LibrariesAnnual Visits

The continuous library responder group shows fewer library visits per capita (1.5 percent fewer). Table 8 shows results for continuous respondents.

Mean Library Visits per Capita for FY2011 and FY2012 for each Population Group-Continuously Reporting LibrariesTable 9 shows results for all responding libraries. Libraries serving populations of less than 25,000 recorded more visits per capita, between 4.7 and 25.5 percent, an average of 1.6 more visits per capita than libraries serving communities of 25,000 or more. Libraries serving populations below 100,000 saw an average of at least 7.03 visits per capita very similar to the previous year.

Mean Library Visits per Capita for FY2011 and FY2012 for Each Population Group-All LibrariesAverage library visits per capita for all reporting libraries was 7.05 (N=942) (>11 percent increase over last year). Figure 9 shows that this increase can be accounted for among smaller libraries serving populations of less than 25,000 people where more libraries in this segment contributed data this year (959 libraries reported 535,057 mean annual visits in FY2012 compared to 377 having mean annual visits of 648,273 in FY2011). Libraries serving population groups of 25,000 or more reported a decrease in average library visits per capita; a trend continuing from the previous year.

Figure 10 shows the percentage change of library visits in the past two years for each population grouping and figure 11 shows the three-year trend for the mean annual visits per registered borrower for each population grouping. This pattern of declining registrations suggests a relationship between the decreasing library visits for libraries serving populations of 25,000 or more.

Percentage Chain in Mean Library Visits per Capita by Population of Legal Service AreaMean Visits per Registered Borrower Three-Year Trend for Each Population Group-Continuously Reporting LibrariesChanges in hours of operation (total hours open and convenient hours open) likely impacts the number of library visits and other in-library service usage, including circulation, program attendance, and reference questions asked/answered (where staff involvement is required). Table 10 shows the three-year trend for hours open per week by population grouping. Consistent with other observations, in four out of the nine population groups, the mean public service hours per week has reduced. This reduction in hours likely explains reductions in the numbers of library visits and other activity counts.

Three-Year Trend for Mean Public Service Hours per Week for Each Population GroupTables 11 and 12 show the three-year mean activity counts for in-library visits and reference questions. While fewer hours of operation are not the only factor affecting visits and related service usage, the pattern is consistent for libraries in population groups showing reduced hours of operation. The mean in-library use of materials rates per capita are 6.98 percent lower (248,766 in FY2011 to 231,396 in FY2012) and mean reference transactions are 17.89 percent lower (160,261 in FY2011 to 131,587 in FY2012).

Three-Year Trend from Mean In-Library Use of Materials by Population GroupThree-Year Trend for Mean Reference Transactions by Population GroupGiven the availability of remote online library services (including reference services, downloadable materials, and online databases) it might be reasonable to assume that physical visits have been displaced by remote/online visits. However, as figure 12 shows, an expected increase in web visits per capita has not occurred. Instead web visits have declined an average of 13 percent. It is difficult to ascertain the cause, but the variability of systems and methods used to count website visits is likely a factor. The count methods combined with an updated definition for how to count website visits as well as difference in systems and tools used to count this activity are likely explanations for some of the differences from the previous year.

Two-Year Trend Mean Web Visits Per Capita by Population Group-Continuously Responding LibrariesOperating Finances

Income and expenditure measures continue to provide useful insights and therefore are a major section within the PLDS survey. For the continuous respondent group, the average overall annual library income was $14,001,457 or $53.20 per capita of the legal service area (N=351), a decrease of $0.18 from last year’s average per capita income of $53.38 (N=352).

Overall annual library expenditures per capita is $49.91 (N=351). This is an increase of $0.17 per capita from the average of $49.74 (N=352) per capita in FY2011.

As shown in figures 13 and 14, the most notable patterns for the continuous responding libraries are found in the population groups serving fewer than 50,000 and those serving 50,000 and more where average income per capita and operating expenditures per capita are reported compared to the previous two years. Increases in both per capita income and expenditures were reported for the fewer than 50,000 population groups, and the 50,000 and more group reported mostly lower income and expenditures—unchanged from the previous years, although the 500,000–999,999 population group did report higher income.

Three-Year Trend Mean Income ($) per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area-Continuously Responding LibrariesThree-Year Trend Mean Expenditures ($) per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area-Continuous Responding LibrariesOverall average income and expenditures per capita increased in FY2012. However libraries serving populations between 25,000 and 499,999 continue to experience reduced funding and thus continue to make cuts to expenditures per capita. Figures 15, 16, 17, and 18 depict the patterns of income and changes in the expenditures over the past five years for the medium-sized libraries. The graphics show a relationship between funding and expenditure per capita levels each year and the pattern of variability in the budget among competing categories of expenditures.

Changes in Mean Expenditures per Capita by Type and Five-Year Trend for Mean TOtal Income per Capita for Population Served 25,000-49,999Changes in Mean Expenditure per Capita by Type and Five-Year Trend for Mean TotalIncome per Capita for Population Served 50,000-99,000Changes in Mean Expenditure per Capita by Type and Five-Year Trend for Mean TotalIncome per Capita for Population Served 100,000-249,999Changes in Mean Expenditure per Capita by Type and Five-Year Trend for Mean TotalIncome per Capita for Population Served 250,999-499,999These patterns of income and expenditure per capita are similar for all libraries and appear to depend on the sources of funding. For FY2012, all libraries serving populations of fewer than 25,000 reported increases in income from state/provincial and other sources, including the federal government. These libraries show higher income levels per capita and correspondingly higher expenditures per capita. This is most significant in the fewer than 5,000 population group.

One thing common for all libraries serving populations of fewer than 500,000 in FY2012 is that each has experienced cuts in income from local government per capita, often the most significant funding source for such libraries. The result of these cuts in spending is depicted in figures 15, 16, 17, and 18 for the population groups from 25,000–499,999.

These figures show the impact of cuts to expenditures and specifically reduced expenditure on staff. Interestingly, for the group of continuous responding libraries, the portion of total expenditures spent on staff has tended to grow (1.67 percent from 2008 to 2011, and -0.14 percent in 2012) relative to the other areas of spending and since 2007 the percentage of librarians on staff has been increasing while the percentage of non-librarians on staff has been decreasing; a reversal of the trend between 2002 and 2007 for the composition of staff.
Table 13 (see page 38) summarizes various library outputs as a function of expenditures per capita in each population grouping for the continuous responding libraries (N=349). Icons depict the change in value relative to previous year values. In FY2012 per $1,000 spent, continuous reporting libraries realized on average per $1,000 spent:

  • 1.63 percent fewer visits
  • 1.41 percent fewer circulations
  • 3.36 percent more program attendees
  • 6.25 percent fewer reference transactions
  • 22.63 percent fewer in-library uses
  • 4.36 percent more registered borrowers

Table 14 on page 38 (also reported last year) represents the overall use of funds by the libraries (activity per expenditure). As compared with results published last year, most figures have increased. Each of the population groups show similar relative changes in activities and expenditures. For example, the population groups between 50,000 and 499,999 overall incurred lower expenditures per capita (-8.56 percent) between FY2011 and FY2012 and had fewer registered borrowers (-0.29 percent) and library visits (-7.47 percent) per capita and simultaneously recorded fewer activity counts. Overall the measures show more up arrows (34) than down arrows (19). This suggest that the respondent libraries in general in FY2012 were accomplishing more with fewer dollars (or more with more dollars) and the implication being
that activity levels are proportionately higher than the operational expenditures that support these activities.

FY2012 Average Library Output Characteristics per $1,000 of Expenditures by Population Group-Continuously Responding LibrariesFY2012 Average Library Output Characteristics per $1,000 of Expenditures by Population Group-All LibrariesTechnology

Use and availability of technology in libraries is an important part of the PLDS survey. This set of questions was unchangedfrom the previous year and provides useful comparative results, listed in descending ranked order according to the percentage of libraries that confirmed they provide the technology service.

Technology equipment available in libraries showed an increase in each category except automated systems. Tablets (127 percent), Video game consoles (60 percent), e-book readers (55 percent), other equipment (e.g., wattage readers) (15 percent), and laptops (10 percent)  posted the largest increases in the percentage of libraries confirming they offer these technologies compared to last year’s results.

Among the many website offerings, library apps for mobile devices (32 percent) showed the largest increase and user-driven content (10 percent) and streaming live programs made modest increases in the percentage of libraries confirming they offer these services.

Meanwhile, in terms of responding libraries, a smaller percentage (12 percent) indicated they offer Wi-Fi inside. Statistics concerning Wi-Fi outside, tracking of subscription databases, and access to local digitized content were unchanged in proportion of libraries offering these services.

Special Section: Facilities Survey

A report summarizing results from the Facilities Survey questions included in the PLDS 2013 special section is posted online at If you would like to be notified of additional information about these results and future surveys, please contact or fill out the notification form on the PLAmetrics website.

2014 PLDS Survey

Results of the 2014 PLDS survey (FY2013 results) will be available soon. For more information, please visit the PLAmetrics website or send an email inquiry to The PLDS survey continues to capture timely and relevant data about public library trends. PLA encourages libraries to use this data to enhance their decision-making and advocacy efforts. We also encourage your comments and feedback. And once again, thank you to all of the responding libraries who took the time to participate.

The post The 2013 Public Library Data Service Statistical Report: Characteristics and Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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Characteristics and Trends in the Public Library Data Service 2010 Statistical Report Tue, 07 May 2013 18:16:08 +0000 Access to timely, accurate, and relevant data is an essential component for public libraries. The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) […]

The post Characteristics and Trends in the Public Library Data Service 2010 Statistical Report first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

Access to timely, accurate, and relevant data is an essential component for public libraries. The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) Statistical Report has been providing such data to the library community since 1988. PLDS is an annual survey conducted on behalf of the Public Library Association (PLA) where public libraries from the United States and Canada provide information on finances, library resources, annual use figures, technology, and additional yearly special categories. The results of this survey are published by PLA and available as an online subscription longitudinal database containing five years of data and also as yearly print reports. Results that are available directly in that report are not duplicated in the analysis presented here. Not all data points from the PLDS report are analyzed.

Rather, this article presents trends and insights across the data and across population groups.


  • Per $1,000 of expenditures, libraries tended to experience slightly greater output in all measures than last year, reversing last year’s trend.
  • Income and expenditures per capita decreased, but not significantly from last year.
  • At 96.99 percent, nearly all libraries responding possessed a website, and 94.18 percent of responding libraries supplied wireless Internet access. Most other technology trends remained stable except an increased availability of wireless Internet.
  • Circulation per capita varied significantly by population grouping but circulation per registered borrower did not vary significantly by population grouping, showing that libraries of all sizes were serving actual patrons at approximately the same rate on this measure.
  • Print circulation was approximately double that of CD/DVD circulation on average for the first year that these individual circulation counts were collected.
  • By inviting all libraries to participate in the PLDS survey, libraries serving a smaller population increased their participation rate in the survey and the total number of survey responses increased. This necessitates comparisons within population groups or other characterizations as opposed to averages across all libraries when performing longitudinal analysis of PLDS data.

Research Method and Context

This article uses data from the PLDS 2010 Statistical Report. In 2010, unlike previous years, all public libraries in the United States and selected Canadian public libraries were invited to participate in the survey. Also, postcards were used for invitations instead of letters as in previous years to defray the increased costs from the much larger invitation pool. These were complemented with e-mails to the small set of library respondents from past years who supplied valid e-mail addresses. The 2010 response rate was 11.9 percent, or 1,105 of the 9,272 libraries who were invited to participate in the PLDS survey (compared with 852 from 2009 when a smaller pool was utilized). A higher response rate may have been possible with more advertising of the survey and if a more expensive distribution method of invitations was utilized, but an overall increase in total responses was achieved. Nine hundred eighty-seven of these libraries completed more than 20 percent of the survey, were validated following data checking, and were included in the final report and online database. For this article, all valid answers were analyzed where possible and appropriate, including libraries that did not answer more than 20 percent of the survey. For each of the continuous variables, the following statistics were obtained: number of libraries reporting, minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation.

For each of the categorical variables, frequencies of responses and percentage of libraries responding were calculated. Calculations were completed using Microsoft Excel 2007 and SPSS v.19. For copies of the survey and full wording of the questions included, please refer to the statistical report or longitudinal

Overall Service

Figure 1. Distribution of PLDS 2009 Public Libraries by Population of Legal Service Area

Table 1 provides a statistical summary of selected characteristics of participating PLDS 2010 libraries. The responding libraries in the PLDS 2010 Statistical Report ranged in size from those serving 125 to 3,672,882 people in their legal service areas. Figure 1 presents the distribution of participating libraries by population of legal service areas represented. The expanded survey pool allowed for an increased level of participation among libraries with smaller legal service areas than in earlier PLDS surveys. This change in research pool as expected changes overall statistical averages, but did not affect statistics when pooled by population groupings. Overall for the 2009 fiscal year, 860 PLDS libraries responding to the appropriate questions served 87,825,383 registered patrons from a population of 163,327,973 in the United States and Canada.

The PLDS survey includes descriptive characteristics on a variety of important library statistics (see table 1). For example, in the 2009 fiscal year, library holdings ranged from as little as 8 to 16,341,122 items among the 965 reporting libraries. Children’s holdings (or at least items that libraries self-identified as children’s, which could be misrepresented to mean available to children and not simply present within a special section) represented 32.1 percent of totalholdings on average by libraries reporting this value. PLDS libraries also circulated items 1,548,590 times on average, representing a reduction of 16.6 percent over last year’s average, but indicative of the change in overall sample. Total circulation of children’s materials could not be directly compared or removed from this value because they were specifically defined to include renewals in all cases, which the general circulation question did not require; however, this value showed an average count of 540,573. For the first time, the PLDS Report also included circulation counts for independent materials in 2010. Of libraries reporting counts, print items were circulated 1,050,518 times on average and CD/DVD items were circulated 522,552 times on average. Since not all libraries reported all counts, these should not be directly compared to the overall circulation average mentioned previously. For those including annual renewals in their circulation counts, 547,979 or 35.3 percent of the total circulation, was accounted for by renewals on average. Meanwhile, materials were counted as used within the library 429,306 times on average.

In other areas of service, PLDS libraries on average performed 216,872 reference transactions, had 927,277 library visits, provided programs to 47,694 patrons, and provided 16,656 materials to other libraries, while receiving 16,875 materials from other libraries annually. All of these numbers represent decreases from last year of 10.8 to 28.2 percent showing the change in population sample once again.

Selected Library Services by Population

The population of legal service area of individual libraries influenced many relevant output measures. Several of these measures are visualized in figures 2–7. For the most part, the trends have followed the same patterns or lack thereof as past years. For some of the trends analyzed, a pattern can be seen in the visualizations.

Figure 2. Average Registrations as a Percent of Population

For example, when viewing library registrations as a percent of population (see figure 2), the percentage increased as the population size decreased, going from 51.24 to 88.14 percent. Average holdings per capita show an even more dramatic shift with population served (see figure 3). Libraries serving populations under 5,000 had average holdings more than 4.87 times than those of the largest libraries. Generally, as the population served grew, the average holdings per capita decreased. Libraries serving populations of 5,000 to 9,999 individuals had the second highest value of average holdings per capita at 5.871 and were 2.65 times as large as the lowest value of 2.216 for libraries serving more than 1,000,000 individuals. Holdings per capita (F(8,956)=59.4, p<0.001) and holdings (F(8,956)=141.5, p<0.001) varied significantly by population group. The overall average holdings per capita for all reporting libraries was 4.71 items (n=965). This value increased 25.9 percent from last year showing the effect introduced by the increased number of smaller libraries in the respondent pool.

Figure 3. Average Holdings per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Average Library Visits per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Although not as skewed as registrations or holdings, library visits per capita also showed a larger value for libraries serving smaller populations; although the largest value was actually seen for libraries serving populations of 5,000 to 9,999 (see figure 4). These libraries saw 2.24 more visits per capita than libraries serving more than 1,000,000. All libraries serving populations under 50,000 saw more than 7.2 visits per capita annually. Both library visits per capita (F(8,893)=4.911, p<0.001) and total library visits (F(8,893)=282.5, p<0.001) varied significantly by population group. The overall average library visits per capita for all reporting libraries was 6.83 (n=902) showing a 10.5 percent increase from last year due to the increased participation of smaller libraries.

Figure 5. Average In-Library Use of Materials per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Unlike previous years, most of the remaining library services statistics did not show a clear pattern by population groupings. In-library use of materials saw the largest number for libraries serving a population below 5,000; however, the second largest number was for libraries serving a population of 250,000 to 499,999, with middle-sized populations having the smallest values (see figure 5). The average in-library use of materials per capita for all libraries reporting was 2.015 (n=380). Enough libraries from each population grouping did not complete this question for valid cross-analysis.

Figure 6. Average Circulation Per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Average circulation per capita, although showing the smallest value for the largest population group, still showed a mostly linear pattern by population groupings (see figure 6). The average circulation per capita for all libraries reporting was 10.50 (n=956). Overall, the value of circulation per capita (F(8,947)=2.335, p<0.05) and total circulation (F(8,947)=239.5, p<0.001) differed significantly by population group. Also, the values of print circulation (F(8,758)=176.0, p<0.001) and CD/DVD circulation (F(8,721)=105.0, p<0.001) varied significantly by population group. When looking not at the population, but only at the registered borrowers though, the circulation per registered borrower does not vary significantly by population grouping (F(8,864)=1.657, p=0.105).

Figure 7. Average Collection Turnover by Population of Legal Service Area

Collection turnover allows a librarian to see how often items within the collection are being used by dividing the total circulation by the total holdings. When analyzing collection turnover (see figure 7), the graph skewed in the opposite direction as other figures. Larger population libraries had a significantly larger average collection turnover than smaller population libraries (F(8,934)=12.186, p<0.001), with the largest collection turnover for libraries serving a population of 500,000 to 999,999 and the smallest collection turnover for libraries serving a population below 5,000 (a 2.84x difference). The overall average for all reporting libraries was 2.829 items circulated per item held (n=943), a 5.3 percent decrease from last year due to the increased participation of smaller libraries.

While overall averages are reported here and are a useful means for a general picture of library services, the net effect of the change in survey population has resulted in an overall adjustment in all of the given averages this year. However, when one looks specifically at a single population grouping, a certain value may be more informative for a given library. For example, if one looks only at visits per capita for libraries serving a population of 25,000 to 49,999, the net percent change was -1.5 percent as opposed to the +10.5 percent for the sample as a whole. Being able to make such comparisons highlights the usefulness of such comparative data in the online database. Still, a potential overall shift in usage patterns may exist since many of the population patterns seem to be following the overall average patterns. A more thorough analysis has not yet been conducted though, as one needs a few more years with the new sample population to build enough longitudinal data for a valid analysis.

Operating Finances

Income and expenditure measures are a primary concern of many libraries and are therefore a major section within the PLDS Report. Averaged over all respondents, library income was $48.01 per capita in the legal service area (n=974; $48.61 last year) while library expenditures were $45.31 per capita in the legal service area (n=962; $45.65 last year). The overall income and expenditure averages and the averages for most populations groupings except those below 5,000 remained practically the same as last year. Income and expenditures per person were largest for the libraries serving middle-sized populations and smallest for libraries serving the largest populations (see figures 8 and 9). Fluctuations by population were relatively identical between income and expenditure. Income per capita (F(8,965)=2.717, p<0.01) and expenditure per capita (F(8,953)=81.344, p<0.005) varied significantly by population group.Total income (F(8,965)=254.3, p<0.001) and total expenditures (F(8,953)=237.2, p<0.001) also varied significantly by population group. Total income on average exceeds total average expenditures for all groupings.

Figure 8. Average Income ($) per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Figure 9. Average Expenditure ($) by Population of Legal Service Area

Although income and expenditures are usually compared against total population, resulting in significant statistical results, when they were compared against total registrations, a different result is seen. Fluctuations in income per registration (F(8,842)=1.257, p=0.263) and expenditure per registration (F(8,832)=1.185, p=0.305) were not significantly different by population grouping. This year the PLDS survey divided materials expenditures into categories by type of material. Overall, libraries spent $5.72 per capita on materials but the variability was large with a range of $0.05 to $68.68. As with the total expenditures, the expenditures on materials in total and the expenditures on materials by all types were seen to vary significantly by population groups (FMaterialsTotal(8,953)= 212.8, p<0.001; FMaterialsPrint(8,922)=181.2, p<0.001; FMaterialsCD/DVD(8,834)=126.7, p<0.001; FMaterialsElectronic(8,893)=164.9, p<0.001).

Library Outputs in Relation to Expenditure

Often there is a need to validate that expenditure has yielded a desired result within a public library. Table 2 summarizes various library outputs as a function of expenditure. In 2010 per $1000 spent, libraries on average received 168 (149 last year) library visits, circulated 254 (235 last year) materials, saw 10.5 (9 last year) patrons attend programs, fielded 26.9 (29 last year) reference transactions, measured 49.1 (48 last year) uses of materials within the library, and registered 18.5 (17 last year) new patrons. Compared to 2009 survey values, most numbers were up slightly on average, meaning that per $1,000 of expenditures, libraries were experiencing slightly more output measures on average. This increase reverses a trend from the previous year.

Table 2. PLDS 2010 Library Output Characteristics per $1,000 of Expenditures


Technology is a major component in the modern public library that has become indespensible in numerous aspects. The majority of PLDS libraries made use of numerous technology tools and services as shown in table 3. The number of libraries that reported having a website rebounded from last year’s low of 92.43 percent back to 96.99 percent. The contents of these websites remained relatively constant with basic library information (96.77 percent), programming information and events calendars (92.68 percent), online catalogs (91.82 percent), community links (81.38 percent), and available online databases (80.09 percent) being the most prevalent items. Other website features were less prevalent, but all options were present greater than 60 percent of the time.

The technology category showing the largest change from last year was the use of wireless Internet. The availability of wireless Internet rose from 88.22 percent last year to 94.18 percent this year. Furthermore, libraries with wireless Internet access extending outside the library rose dramatically from 46.03 to 60.70 percent. When Internet access was filtered, it was generally performed by the library staff. Use of filtering rose 4.28 percent up to 69.52 percent this year overall. For 67.71 percent of reporting libraries, Internet access was filtered by staff, while only 11.31 percent of libraries allowed patron control of Internet filtering. These numbers are not exclusive in that a library may allow filter control by both staff and patrons.

The increase in virtual reference services seen over the last couple of years no longer occurred in last year’s survey. The use of these services remained about the same and in the same order of preference with e-mail/Web forms used twice as often (60.96 percent) as online chat services (32.42 percent) which were nearly twice once again as instant messaging (18.37 percent) which was itself twice again the final new category of texting services at 8.79 percent.

Access to locally produced digitized content remained essentially the same as last year at 42.90 percent.

This year’s special section on children’s services measured technology use by children in several areas. Of particular note, 79.33 percent of libraries specified having computers available for use by children only. Of computers for children’s use only possessing Internet access, 66.97 percent were indicated as filtered and 32.36 percent were indicated as unfiltered.

Future Directions

The 2011 PLDS survey will run from January to April 2011 and will include a special section on public library finances. These data will prove useful for analysis of important financial figures in today’s uneasy economic times. Also, now that all libraries are invited to participate, a broader and more complete statistical landscape can be attained from this data. Any library not receiving an invitation is encouraged to contact PLA for more information (Kathleen Hughes). More longitudinal analysis through the PLDS database will become available with the increased participation of smaller libraries, in particular, to help determine to a better degree their impact on these statistics as indicated in this report. Furthermore, one can look forward to programming developments within the PLDS database currently being discussed. Since the Institute of Museum and Library Services has introduced locale codes into the national public library survey, PLDS is considering population density as a new database category for the future. More data availability and better tools to manipulate and analyze that data in meaningful ways can only help further the needs of public libraries.

Table 3. Frequency of Libraries with Selected Technology Features

The post Characteristics and Trends in the Public Library Data Service 2010 Statistical Report first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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The Public Library Data Service 2012 Statistical Report: Characteristics and Trends Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:28:58 +0000 The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) is an annual survey conducted by PLA. This 2012 survey of public libraries from the United States and Canada collected fiscal year (FY) 2011 information on finances, library resources, annual use figures, and technology. Each year PLDS includes a special survey highlighting statistics on one service area or public library topic. This year these supplemental questions focused on young adult library services.

The post The Public Library Data Service 2012 Statistical Report: Characteristics and Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

The Public Library Data Service (PLDS) is an annual survey conducted by PLA. This 2012 survey of public libraries from the United States and Canada collected fiscal year (FY) 2011 information on finances, library resources, annual use figures, and technology. Each year PLDS includes a special survey highlighting statistics on one service area or public library topic. This year these supplemental questions focused on young adult library services.

PLA has partnered with Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd., to provide the service for administering and supporting the survey. As well, PLA-launched PLAmetrics, an online subscription service offering access to the longitudinal PLDS data sets for this and subsequent survey years going back to 2002. The advent of PLAmetrics gives public libraries timely access to meaningful and relevant public library data for comparative analysis and the assessment of their operations by offering an array of pre-configured summary reports in online published formats and in  ready-to run and/or customizable report templates. As well, PLAmetrics subscribers can create any number of custom reports based on the available data definitions and participating libraries from any one or more years of PLDS data, including data from the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS).

The graphs, comments, and calculations used in this report were derived from data in PLAmetrics. This report presents a selection of metrics for PLDS which presents results for the most recent FY2011 and previous results in tables and charts with related observations.

Research Method and Context

The participation in the PLDS is voluntary and participants have the option of providing responses to all or some of the questions that comprise the survey. This year, similar to previous years, all public libraries in the United States and Canada were invited to participate in the survey. Emails (3,284) were sent to launch the survey in January 2012, postcards were handed out at the PLA 2012 Conference in Philadelphia last March, letters were sent to the libraries, and four follow-up emails were sent between the beginning of March and the end of April. State data coordinators from the U.S. and provincial and association coordinators in Canada were contacted and asked to promote the survey to their libraries. Their involvement led to increased awareness and participation. Of the libraries contacted, 1,829 responded to the request for data, a response rate of 19.7 percent (an increase of 2.4 percent from last year). However, due to the voluntary nature of this survey, there was a high dropout rate, and many libraries had to be contacted for additional data. Although only 1,579 libraries were included in the final data analysis, this number still represented an increase over 2011’s number of 1,461 and 1,105 for 2010.

Please refer to the online PLDS Survey site for copies of the survey and full wording of the questions included.

Overall Service Summary

The PLDS Survey includes several questions that effectively describe the characteristics of each of the responding libraries. In table 1, a selection of these descriptive statistics is presented and summary data is provided with respect to all libraries that provided values greater than zero (>0) for each selected measure.

Descriptive Studies of Participating PLDS 2012 Public Libraries (FY2011 results)

The latest FY2011 results include 1,579 responding libraries, just over 8 percent more than the FY2010 response count, providing their population of legal service area. Table 1 shows that the range of the size of population served was from 90 to 3,792,621 people. The distribution by groupings of the population of legal service area is shown in figure 1. As was found last year, there was a notable increase in the number of participating libraries that serve a population of legal service area less than 50,000 people.

Distribution of PLDS 2012 Public Libraries by Population of the Legal Service Area

For those participating libraries that reported both their population of legal service area and the number of registrations:

  • Overall, 1,455 libraries offer services to a total population of 175,297,816 people and serve 93,234,730 registered borrowers.
  • Overall the ratio of registrations to population of the legal service area is somewhere between six and seven people registered out of every ten people, as depicted in figure 5.
  • For those libraries with populations of less than 50,000 people, these 963 libraries offer service to a total population of 13,451,047 and serve 8,342,742 registered borrowers.
  • For those libraries with populations of 50,000 or more people, these 492 libraries offer services to a total population of 151,500,673 and serve 84,891,988 registered borrowers.

Some libraries may have reported a higher number of registrations than the actual number of people in their population of legal service area and have noted that their 2010 census was no longer accurate due to rapid community expansion and growth.


Throughout most of this discussion, population of legal service area will be used as the basis for grouping results and also as a basis of several key ratios. It is important and useful to note, especially when comparing results between each population group and when comparing year-over-year trends, that the sample of responding libraries is mostly variable from year to year and within each population group. Recognizing this variability, this discussion includes trends and comparisons for 306 libraries that have consistently participated in each survey conducted by PLDS in the last five years (FY2007 to FY2011).

Table 2 and figure 2 show population by legal service area adopted over the past five years. The trend report for all respondents shows an increasing number of PLDS public library participants from libraries serving smaller populations. In particular, this is noted by the drop of the average and median values prior to 2010 and the leveling off of these values between the last two years, where the size of sample has also increased to a lesser degree. This trend could indicate the growing importance of library metrics and the need for data across all public libraries. The second part of table 2 displays the data for the consistent participants and the values remain fairly stable.

Summary Five-Year Trend of Population of the Legal Service Area Served

Figure 2. Trend of PLDS Public Libraries by Mean and Median Population of the Legal Service Area


For FY2011, library holdings ranged from as few as 1,500 to as many as 16,140,023 items as reported by the 1,465 libraries that responded to this question, 61 more respondents than the previous year, and an increase of less than 1 percent of the total (485,641,446) reported in 2011.

Figure 3 shows the trend for the last five years for holdings per capita. The first chart shows the trend for all PLDS libraries that reported and the second chart shows only those PLDS libraries (N=306) that reported data in each of the last five years. What seems apparent for all reporting libraries is that holdings per capita overall are increasing. But this result is more a function of the increased number of responding libraries that serve smaller populations of the legal service area. The median population of legal service area in FY2007 was 93,398 and this year the median value was 20,228. Generally these smaller libraries have larger holdings per capita each. This skewed relationship is also shown in figure 6, but this data is from the FY2011 only. Overall, year over year the marginal decrease in the average and median reported population has been greater than the decrease in the average and median reported holdings, thus holdings per capita shows an increasing trend over the last five years.

Figure 3. Five Year Trend for Holdings Per Capita by Mean and Median Values

The second figure 3 chart shows holdings per capita for the group of libraries that reported consecutively in each of the last five years and these libraries have relatively stable holdings and an average that has slightly increased.


PLDS libraries circulated items 1,200,632 times on average in FY2011, slightly higher than last year’s average, although fewer libraries this year reported their total annual circulation (1,069 reporting libraries, 0.09 percent fewer than last year). Total circulation of 1,529,604,633 was 1.12 percent less than the previous year. As in the previous two years the 2012 PLDS statistical report included circulation counts for independent types of materials. Of libraries reporting these counts, print items circulated 742,466 times on average, CD/DVD items were circulated 414,068 times on average, and all other materials were circulated 91,702 times on average.

Care should be taken not to compare this information with the total circulation results in table 1 since some libraries may or may not have reported their circulation counts for both total and independent types of materials.

Table 3 takes a look at those libraries that reported both total annual circulation and the contribution of renewals to these circulation counts. For the 593 libraries that reported total and renewal circulation, total annual renewals on average accounted for 518,767 or 24.4 percent of the total annual circulation.

Table 3. Annual Circulation and the Contribution of Renewals

PLDS trend data (see figure 4) shows that the circulation per capita has on average generally increased from FY2007 through FY2010 and has retreated in FY2011 to below-2009 levels. Similarly for those libraries (N=306) that reported data in each of the past five years, circulation had increased between 2007 and 2010, the period during the world financial credit crisis, and also shows a decrease in 2011, to a level below the 2009 average.

Figure 4. Five Year Trend for Circulation Per Capita by Mean and Median Values

Meanwhile, in general as table 1 shows, materials used in the library accounted for 273,192 (N=473) uses on average, 12 percent less than that the average calculated last year (average uses of 309,926, N=471). Interestingly, electronic circulation accounted for 39,216 circulation counts on average, compared to 18,804.4 in fiscal year 2010. In the previous year’s survey 1,162 libraries reported electronic circulation and this year only 658 libraries reported electronic circulation. So, although 43 percent fewer libraries reported electronic circulation, the 57 percent that did report, these libraries circulated on average twice as many e-materials compared to those in the previous year.

Similar to the findings from last year’s survey, the average values for library visits (669,666), in-library use of materials (273,192), and reference transactions (155,719) were each lower. These lower averages are again likely due to the change in population sample having a 12.4 percent increase in libraries with legal service areas of 50,000 or less. Interestingly, while the average number of programs (1,427) also decreased, the average program attendance (39,335) increased. Similarly the average number of materials sent to other libraries (16,136) and those received from other libraries (14,161) both increased compared to the previous year.

Selected Library Metrics by Population

Figures 5-9 provide a visualization of several library measures reported as a percentage of population of legal service area.

Figure 5. Average Registration as a Percent of Population

Figure 6. Average Holdings per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Figure 7. Percentage CHange in Average Library Visits Per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Figure 8. Average Circulation Per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Figure 9. Average Collection Turnover by Population of Legal Service Area

Library registrations as a percent of population, in the previous year showed a smooth curved relationship that as the population size increased the percentage of registrants decreased. This year’s results demonstrate a similar relationship but suggest there are tiered plateaus. The most significant marginal change in the average registrations occurs between the two smallest population groups. Then a similar marginal decrease of the average registration occurs and the first plateau is reached for the population groups between 10,000 to 249,999 persons. A smaller marginal decrease in average registrations occurs and another plateau is reached for the population groups between 250,000 to 1,000,000 and over.
Libraries with legal service areas with fewer than 9,999 people tended to register a larger proportion of the population.

Average holdings per capita show a very similar pattern as in previous years (figure 6). For example, as observed in last year’s report, libraries serving populations below 5,000 had average holdings per capita over five times those of the largest libraries. The overall average holdings per capita for all reporting libraries was 5.66 (N=1,467). This value is more than 2 percent lower than last year. This again is mostly due to the increased number of participating libraries serving the smaller population groups less than 100,000 people in size.

Library visits per capita continue to show the highest numbers for libraries serving smaller populations. The smallest libraries saw an average of 3.83 more visits per capita than libraries serving over 1,000,000. All libraries serving populations under 100,000 saw an average of at least 6.04 visits per capita annually.

However, overall the average library visits per capita for all reporting libraries was 6.61 (N=1,236) showing a 5.84 percent decrease from last year. Figure 7 shows that the largest decrease was reported by the smallest libraries serving populations of less than 25,000 people, and there were more libraries in this segment that contributed data this year which might account for some of the overall decrease. But, a decrease in average library visits per capita was reported by all libraries (figure 7). The general decrease may be attributed to increased use of remote or online library services including reference services, downloadable materials, and online databases.

In-library use was reported by the fewest number of libraries (N=473). The largest in-library use of materials was from libraries serving populations of 0 to 5,000 and 5,000 to 9,999. However the third largest number was for libraries serving a population of 1,000,000 and over with middle sized populations having the smallest values. The pattern for this statistic continues to change from year to year without any apparent consistency or relationship. This may be a result of the challenges libraries have in consistently tracking these numbers.

Average circulation per capita, despite showing the smallest value for the largest population group and the largest value for the smallest population group, there is no clear pattern between each population group (figure 8). The average circulation per capita for all reporting libraries was 10.32 (N=1,294). This, as shown in figure 8, is a decrease from the average of last year, and consistent with a decrease in the average for circulation per capita for all repeat responding libraries (N=306).

Collection turnover allows a library to see how often items within the collection are used by dividing the total circulation by the total holdings. When analyzing collection turnover (figure 9) larger population libraries have a larger average collection turnover than smaller population libraries, with the largest collection turnover for libraries serving a population of 500,000 to 999,999 and the smallest collection turnover for libraries serving a population of 5,000 to 9,999 (a 3.83x difference). The overall average for all reporting libraries was 2.54 items circulated per item held (N=1,234).

Table 4 shows a five-year trend for the collection turnover rate for those PLDS libraries (N=306) that have reported in each of the past five years. The turnover rate shows a softening of circulation transactions relative to the size of the holdings, relative to previous year results.

Table 4. Five-Year Trend for Collection Turnover Rate for Year-Over-Year Responding Libraries

Operating Finances

Income and expenditure measures continue to provide useful operational insights for many libraries and are therefore a major section within the PLDS report and all library statistical reports. The average overall respondents’ library income was $4,892,178 per year or $46.68 per capita of the legal service area (N=1,576), a decrease of $2.74 from last year’s average per capita income of $49.42. Library expenditures, however, were $4,657,232 on average per year or $41.95 per capita of the legal service area (N=1,428). This is a decrease of $3.55 per capita from the average of $45.50 per capita expenditure in fiscal year 2010. The most notable change was a decrease seen in the under 5,000 population group, which saw a decline from the previous year’s increase in average income per capita. The 10,000 to 24,999 population group also saw a decline from the previous year while the remaining groups saw their average income per capita remain relatively stable from the previous year. This holds true with the previous year’s trend of individual libraries.

Overall the average income and expenditures for libraries decreased in FY2011. For the most part, income appears to be unchanged for most population groups, except for the first and third smallest population groups which show decreases in average income per capita of over 14 percent (figure 10) with similar decreases in expenditure (figure 11). Income and expenditures per person were largest for the libraries serving middle-sized populations from 25,000 to 49,999 followed by those serving populations of 50,000 to 99,999 and smallest for libraries serving the largest populations. Unlike the previous two years, the total average income did exceed total average expenditure for the largest population groupings (libraries serving more than 500,000), but only by a small margin. The other population groups (as shown in figure 12) have wider margins between the average income and expenditures per registrations and per capita.

Figure 10. Average Income ($) per Capita by Population of Legal Service Area

Figure 11. Average Expenditures ($) by Population of Legal Service Area

Figure 12. PLDS 2012 Average Income and Expenditure per LSA Population and Registrations

Figure 12 also shows a similar pattern of income and expenditure per registrations (top line pairing) and per capita (bottom line pairing).
Table 5 shows the trend for the last five years for operating expenditures per capita. The first table shows the trend for all PLDS libraries that reported and the second table shows only those PLDS libraries (N=306) that reported data in each of the last five years. Among the consistent contributors operating expenditures have been more consistent hovering around $49 on average for the last four years. The median values for this group increased by $0.75 over FY2010 values.

Table 5. Five-Year Trend for Operating Expenditures per Capita

The PLDS survey collected total materials expenditures and again provided the option for materials expenditure to be divided into categories by type of material. Overall, libraries spent $5.04 per capita on materials (N=1,430), with a range of $0.00 to $80.24. This change also represented a decrease of $2.84 over last year.

Figure 13 shows the five-year trend for materials expenditure per capita for those 306 libraries that have responded to the survey in each of these years. The average and median show a general decreasing trend for materials expenditure per capita. For this group of libraries the average population reported has actually decreased in the past two years, suggesting that the expenditure on materials has had to similarly decrease for this ratio also to decrease. Given indications of lower total expenditures for all population groups (figure 11), materials expenditure has also contracted with the overall decrease in spending.

Figure 13. Five-Year Trend for Materials Expenditure per Capita

Table 6 summarizes various library outputs as a function of expenditure. In FY2011 per $1,000 spent, libraries on average realized:

  • 176 library visits (179, 168, 149 for the prior three years);
  • 263 materials circulated (260, 254, 235 for the prior three years);
  • 12.23 patrons attend programs (12.1, 10.5, 9.0 for the prior three years);
  • 25.57 reference transactions fielded (25.3, 26.9, 29.0 for the prior three years);
  • 48.35 uses of materials within the library (47.2, 49.1, 48.0 for the prior three years); and
  • 22.97 new registered patrons (20.0, 18.5, 17 for the prior three years).

Table 6. PLDS 2012 Average Output Characteristics per $1000 of Expenditures for All Reporting Libraries

Reference transactions per $1,000 spent stabilized this year and did not continue to decrease and overall there is an emerging trend of increased circulation and new borrower registrations per $1,000 spent over the past four years. These improved observations, however, are due to a simultaneous general decrease in expenditures, and this is confirmed by the fact that reference transactions, circulation, and registrations are also generally lower this year compared to last. Library visits have also dropped from last year but overall are still higher than previous years.

Program attendance is overall increasing while use of material within the library is slightly declining over the four years. Table 7 shows a variety of output measures expressed as an average per $1,000 of expenditure by population group. For each characteristic the outputs per $1,000 expenditure are varied with respect to population grouping. This variability is due to simultaneous decreases in both the output and input measure (expenditures). If the output measure (denominator) has decreased in proportion more than the input measure (numerator) compared to the previous year, then the ratio would suggest better performance. What is unclear from the analysis is degree to which lower expenditures (figure 13) are the result of improved efficiency or simply a reflection of tightened spending (lower income), see figure 12. A decrease in output measures could suggest that decreased spending has a detrimental impact on the volume of outputs produced.

Table 7. PLDS FY2011 Average Library Output Characteristics per $1000 of Expenditures by Population Group


Technology questions remain an important part of the PLDS survey which reflects the importance of technology in the modern public library. This year, the PLDS survey was altered slightly to include questions regarding e-readers and tablets while removing questions regarding CD and DVD players, to remain current with activities taking place at the library. Questions on social networking were amalgamated to keep better statistical and comparative results as social networking sites individually may change and use may rise and fall with current popularity.

It is no surprise that more than 95 percent of libraries with a website include information on programs and events, as well as access to the OPAC (as shown in table 8). Not too far behind (at more than 79 percent) is the inclusion of online databases, and among the new technology questions, almost 78 percent of libraries include social networking features in their online presence (N=1,365). Rounding out the top six online resources is library staff created content (68.88 percent) and virtual reference services (61.24 percent).

Table 8. Libraries Offering Web-Based Information and Services

Virtual reference service, however, was another question that was reformatted and combines the previous year’s separate questions into one general question. This year’s result shows a slight increase (+2.14 percent)from last year where 59.1 percent of libraries provided some form of virtual reference.

Regarding tablet circulation, 47 libraries indicated that they do circulate tablets, 3.2 percent of all 1,459 responding libraries. This will be an interesting question to follow in the 2013 survey as an indicator of technology adoption and the priority libraries are placing on it.
Other results include 13.2 percent of libraries using automated materials handling systems such as book sorters, automated check-in devices, and so forth. (N= 1,469); 85.2 percent of libraries did not circulate e-book readers (N=1,463).

Some libraries support mobile computing and devices, with 34.7 percent of libraries offering library apps that are accessible on a mobile device (N=1,353).

Special Section: Young Adult Services

Each year PLDS focuses on a specific topic outside of the standard questions. For 2012, the focus was on young adult (YA) services. Of the 1,448 libraries who answered the question “Does your library provide YA services?” 81.8 percent answered yes (see figure 14). Of those 263 libraries that do not offer YA services:

  • 46.6 percent serve a population of legal service area of fewer than 5,000;
  • 23.7 percent serve a population of legal service area of 5,000 to 9,999;
  • 17.3 percent serve a population of legal service area of 10,000 to 24,999; andthe remaining 11.4 percent of these respondents serve a population of legal service area of 25,000 people or greater.

Figure 14. Does Your Library Provide Young Adult Services?

While a significant number of libraries within the smaller population groups do not offer YA services, more than half of the libraries in this group (57.2 percent) do offer YA services.

As expected, average expenditures on YA materials for FY2011 and FY2010 display a clear tendency for larger libraries to spend more than medium and smaller libraries. But as a portion of total materials expenditures (figure 15), the smaller libraries dedicate a larger portion of spending on YA materials than their larger counterparts. Generally, libraries that serve populations of 10,000 people and above spent between approximately 4 and 7 percent on YA materials as a portion of their materials expenditure. The smaller libraries serving populations below 10,000 people spent more than 9 percent of their total materials expenditure on YA materials.

Figure 15. Average Percentage of Total Material Expenditures Spent on Young Adult Materials

It is not surprising that of those libraries that do offer YA services, 65.7 percent have a specific section for young adults on the library webpage. For those 384 libraries that do not have a specific section for young adults on their webpage, they do have a presence on social network sites:

  • 12.6 percent indicated that they have a social web presence;
  • 25 percent indicated they have a presence on Facebook for young adults;
  • 5.8 percent indicated they have a presence on Twitter for young adults; and,
  • 5.8 percent indicated “other” social networks (such as Flickr, Pinterest, Google+, and Tumblr) where they have a presence for young adults.

Figure 16. Does Your Library Webpage have a Specific Section for Young Adults?

Future Directions

The 2013 PLDS survey will run from January to April 2013 and will include a special section on library facilities, which has not been covered since the 2009 survey. Any library not receiving an invitation is encouraged to contact PLA or Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. (pla@counting for more information. The PLDS will continue to collect data on library trends, including technology trends within the library. PLA strives to produce a survey that captures timely, relevant data and encourage libraries to use this data to enhance their decision-making  processes. We also want to thank all of the responding libraries who took the time to participate. Contact us at with comments or feedback.

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The post The Public Library Data Service 2012 Statistical Report: Characteristics and Trends first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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