leadership - Public Libraries Online https://publiclibrariesonline.org A Publication of the Public Library Association Wed, 22 Apr 2020 14:32:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 Cultivating Your Inner Leader https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2016/10/cultivating-your-inner-leader/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cultivating-your-inner-leader https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2016/10/cultivating-your-inner-leader/#respond Thu, 20 Oct 2016 21:49:08 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=10763 In public libraries, most managers have an impressively broad range of duties. Our training and background may be primarily in some audience or service specialty and our day-to-day responsibilities may still include significant quantities of work related to that area. Whatever our duties, they can leave us little time or energy to develop our supervisory, management, or leadership knowledge and skills.

The post Cultivating Your Inner Leader first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

In public libraries, most managers have an impressively broad range of duties.  Our training and background may be primarily in some audience or service specialty and our day-to-day responsibilities may still include significant quantities of work related to that area. Whatever our duties, they can leave us little time or energy to develop our supervisory, management, or leadership knowledge and skills.

To combat that drawback, I’ve added leadership-specific resources to my Twitter and RSS feeds. At times the gap between a for-profit business and the library is apparent, but more often the topics and advice are spot on. I’ve been excited to learn something new, inspired to reconsider my perspective, motivated to try a new approach, or simply encouraged by another leader’s shared vulnerability.  If you’d like a list of leadership experts to follow, start here.

One of my go-to resources is Tanveer Naseer’s blog. Naseer is an author, leadership coach, and keynote speaker. I’ve always found the entries to be thought-provoking and well-written even when they are created by guest bloggers.  They are meaty, as well, often running two to three times as long as many blog posts do. The length allows for a more in-depth look at the topic and it’s not uncommon for posts to include references to books, methodologies, or field research.

One of the aspects of his website I frequently use is the extra material that goes with each blog post. Each is extensively tagged, click on a single word and you can immediately access an entire list of related articles. In addition, at the end of each post the site lists, as links, the full titles of a few related prior posts. If you want to share what you learn about leadership, you’ll appreciate the ready-to-tweet highlights scattered through the posts.

Michael Hyatt’s website is a wholly different experience. If sales pitches or occasional references to faith would bother you, pass this one by.  Hyatt was formerly CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, and his blog is aimed primarily at people in high-pressure jobs. His site’s tagline is “Win at work. Succeed at life.” His tweets, blogs, and podcasts run the gamut, including productivity tips and tools to life hacks. “How a Small Shift in Your Vocabulary Can Instantly Change Your Attitude” is a great example of the latter and a post that I have continued to think about long after I first read it. His posts generally include specific, actionable points.

If you prefer something more philosophical, Seth Godin is all about ideas. He can look at a concept you’ve been around your whole life and take something new from it. His blog tends to focus on creativity, innovation, marketing, and how to do great work; the very short posts are designed to make you reflect.

If none of these are the right fit for you, take a few minutes to track down other leadership gurus worth following. Having a regular dose of leadership inspiration, infused with a few practical tips, helps me focus on how I can get to where I want to be and makes me believe I can get there.

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In-the-Trenches Leadership https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2016/06/in-the-trenches-leadership/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=in-the-trenches-leadership https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2016/06/in-the-trenches-leadership/#respond Tue, 14 Jun 2016 15:04:50 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=9436 Anyone who has ever been in a managerial position has experimented with handling conflict and a variety of personalities. From an autocrat to an “in the trenches” type of leader, I have seen the various personalities and reactions that are activated when one has to exercise their managerial obligations. In her article “Top Skills for Tomorrow’s Librarians,” Library Journal’s Executive Editor Meredith Schwartz collaborated with library directors to see what leadership attributes future managers should have. Good communication, teamwork, and excellent interpersonal skills are the types of leadership skills that seem to work best.

The post In-the-Trenches Leadership first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

Anyone who has ever been in a managerial position has experimented with handling conflict and a variety of personalities. From an autocrat to an “in the trenches” type of leader, I have seen the various personalities and reactions that are activated when one has to exercise their managerial obligations. In her article “Top Skills for Tomorrow’s Librarians,” Library Journal’s Executive Editor Meredith Schwartz collaborated with library directors to see what leadership attributes future managers should have. Good communication, teamwork, and excellent interpersonal skills are the types of leadership skills that seem to work best.

Communication/People Skills

For a manager, it is important that employees are given well-articulated direction and that they are supervised with respect. Sean Casserley of Johnson County Library (Kans.) says that communication skills are especially necessary in “giving and receiving professional critique, conflict resolution, and active listening.”[1] If one does not have people skills, they should not be in a managerial position. There is always room for growth, and your employees just want to be heard. How can your employees feel valued if you are not actively listening and participating in conflict resolution with them?

What works for employees, though?

Charles S. Jacobs’s book Management Rewired explores the scientific evidence of which manager-employee dynamics work and which do not: “Rather than hand objectives to the employee, the manager should ask the employee to set them” and “Rather than tell the employees how to fix a problem, the manager should ask them what they think they should do to fix it.”[2]

Jacobs suggests/recommends managers to allow employees to participate more in alleviating problems. Instead of instructing employees to do something, a manager should ask them for input. Inviting an employee to be part of the decision-making process diminishes the boss/staff divide and allows the employee jurisdiction. In turn, the manager now has a supporting role in making sure that the employee alleviates the issue. Jacobs’s chief idea is that managers allow their employees to be involved in participative management. While the manager gives the final say, it gives the employees a chance to express their perspective.

What makes a leader?

In her article “Leading without a Title,” Bridget Kaigler suggests that work ethic and disposition make a leader, not a title.[3] All too often in our profession, it seems people are so quick to sign their degrees after their names, but I believe it can be viewed as a pretentious gesture. I am proud of my education, but it takes people with different jobs to run an organization—ultimately, I just happen to be the information services librarian.

Kaigler writes: “[L]eaders pull-they don’t push. Leaders pull through influence. They influence others by giving them a voice. If you listen to their concerns, they will listen to yours. Leaders pull by acting as a team facilitator. Others push by acting as a dictator. Working in a team-based organization has benefits. As a team, everyone works together to get something done.”[4] Dictators like to jerk around their authority and do not think of “their” staff as a unit; however, it is by working as an alliance that respect is harbored by your colleagues. When one finds themselves working in a team-centric organization, they feel valuable because their input is indispensable.

Final Thoughts

When I was in library school at Indiana University-Indianapolis, a “Library Management” course was required. Now that I know my management style a little better, as part of my library’s management team, I really wish I could retake that as a refresher course. I strive to be an “in the trenches” manager. By understanding how my department works, I have a better sense of the issues and desires of the patrons. Although I am the manager, I make a conscious effort to treat my colleagues like colleagues, and I value their opinions and feedback. After all, are we not all here to make sure that this organization runs smoothly and above all else to serve our public?

[1] Meredith Schwartz, “Top skills for tomorrow’s librarians,” Library Journal, March 9, 2016.
[2] Charles S. Jacobs, Management Rewired: Why Feedback Doesn’t Work and Other Surprising Lessons from the Latest Brain Science (New York: Penguin, 2009), 82.
[3] Bridget Kaigler, “Leading without a title,” Strategic Finance, March 1, 2016.
[4] Ibid.

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Modern Day Library Leadership https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2016/05/modern-day-library-leadership/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=modern-day-library-leadership https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2016/05/modern-day-library-leadership/#respond Tue, 10 May 2016 17:33:50 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=8993 Deanna Marcum, managing director of consulting firm Ithaka S+R, has many thoughts on library leadership. At 2016’s annual meeting of the National Federation of Advanced Information Systems Marcum delivered a lecture on how leadership is changing as libraries move towards a more digital environment

The post Modern Day Library Leadership first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

Deanna Marcum, managing director of consulting firm Ithaka S+R, has many thoughts on library leadership. At 2016’s annual meeting of the National Federation of Advanced Information Systems Marcum delivered a lecture on how leadership is changing as libraries move towards a more digital environment. She had many different ideas, but some of her biggest takeaways were as follows:

  • Focus on digital strategy. Marcum is very clear: “We are no longer waiting for the digital revolution to happen. It is here.”[1] She suggests that organizations cease viewing digital services as being a new addition to a library’s existing blueprint. Instead, management should focus on embedding digital initiatives and literacy across the organization as a whole (e.g., web services and programs are no longer “add-ons” in most libraries; they are essential services).
  • Evaluate new ways of customer engagement. Good library leaders figure out their patrons’ needs and come up with the best ways their organization can meet them. In today’s fast-paced, increasingly digital world, Marcum stresses that librarians can no longer dictate what they think their users should want. We need to meet them where they are.
  • Accommodate differences in how people go online. Some public libraries serve bigger communities than others; in any case, there is often much diversity in how an organization’s users access the Internet. Managers should see to it that their libraries’ services are varied enough to meet this diversity. For example, community members likely possess wildly varying degrees of comfort with technology.
  • Sharpen analytical skills. Twenty-first-century library leaders must leverage data to understand patron behavior and translate this into services that meet their wants and needs.
  • Think about user experience. We hear about user experience very often from a design point of view, but this carries through to all aspects of library services. Successful leaders must take user experience into account in order to keep their patrons happy and their services relevant. For example, a simpler layout in the library or slightly different hours may make the lives of a library’s users much easier.

Other qualities of strong, modern library leaders include an understanding of their organization’s culture—particularly in regards to hiring—and learning from staff. What do you think is most important in managing today’s libraries?


[1] Deanna Marcum, “Library Leadership for the Digital Age,” Ithaka S+R Issue Brief, March 28, 2016.

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It Takes More Than a Trust Fall: Establishing a Great Management Team https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/08/it-takes-more-than-a-trust-fall-establishing-a-great-management-team/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=it-takes-more-than-a-trust-fall-establishing-a-great-management-team https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/08/it-takes-more-than-a-trust-fall-establishing-a-great-management-team/#comments Mon, 10 Aug 2015 21:20:27 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=6801 For this first blog post I want to focus on the issue of building trust. Lencioni addresses this in his book The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business. According to Lencioni, before you can get healthy as an organization, you need to establish a strong team. To establish a strong team, you must establish trust.

The post It Takes More Than a Trust Fall: Establishing a Great Management Team first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

Management is hard. Management in public libraries is really hard. Most librarians didn’t head to the field to become managers and burn-out can hit hard and fast. Fortunately, we’re all in this together, and we can and should talk about our struggles as a community. My next few blog posts are intended to provide quick development opportunities by taking popular business books and relating them back to library-land. While they are designed for management and leadership staff, I hope all librarians can learn something new in this process.

For this first blog post I want to focus on the issue of building trust. Patrick Lencioni addresses this in his book The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in BusinessAccording to Lencioni, before you can get healthy as an organization, you need to establish a strong team. To establish a strong team, you must establish trust.

Building Trust

What is trust? We aren’t talking about trust in the way you trust your partner to tell the truth, or you trust a friend to follow through on promises. Lencioni calls it vulnerability-based trust. Be vulnerable in front of your management team. Tell them when you screw up, tell them when you struggle, and tell them when you’re sorry. In general, be vulnerable. If everyone on the team does this you avoid a lot of issues. One, everyone is speaking freely which can lead to breakthroughs. Two, you get to the heart of issues much faster. Fear takes a back seat as you express your vulnerable side more often.


Librarians like to know everything, and rarely admit to not knowing something or not having thought something out. It goes against our nature to admit we don’t know. This is why you have to be the example. Truly, it should begin with the leader, but it can begin with anyone at the table. Next time you find yourself feeling defensive, take a moment and explore what you are feeling, and say it! I’m feeling overwhelmed, I messed up, I need help. Start building the trust by being honest.

Practical Steps to Building the Trusting Team

Lencioni shares two steps that essentially do the same thing: force you to get to know yourself and your team members.

  • Share Personal Stories – Talk about yourself, your personal history. He suggests answering the question: what was the most difficult or interesting challenge you overcame as a child? This allows you to get to know each other’s motivations. Someone may micromanage out of fear, and another might be tight with money because he/she grew up in a certain environment.
  • Take a Personality Test – I love this! I prefer Myers-Briggs, but there are others (see below). Yes, they can feel awkward to take and share but, man, I have learned a lot about myself this way. Take the test, share with others, and see how it will help your organization in the long run.


We have been a team forever, this seems a little late in the game. It’s never too late. Tell your team you want to try something new. Use a consultant as a catalyst. Many local consultants will come in for just a few hours to help with something like this and it won’t cost you much money at all! But please understand it is a culture change, and it won’t happen offsite in a day-long session. This is skimming the surface to deeper cultural behaviors.

The rest of the book is really great. I recommend you read and marinate on it, then go back and read the sections that stuck out the first time.

Take some time to explore these resources as you start to build your team:

Personality Tests:


Lencioni, P. (2012). The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business. Wiley.

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Deadline Approaching For 2016 Emerging Leaders Program https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/07/deadline-approaching-for-2016-emerging-leaders-program/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=deadline-approaching-for-2016-emerging-leaders-program https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/07/deadline-approaching-for-2016-emerging-leaders-program/#respond Wed, 22 Jul 2015 21:00:21 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=6642 The August 1 deadline is quickly approaching for consideration in next year’s group of ALA Emerging Leaders. According to ALA’s website, this program “enables newer library workers from across the country to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and [provides an] opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity.”

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The August 1 deadline is quickly approaching for consideration in next year’s group of ALA Emerging Leaders. According to ALA’s website, this program “enables newer library workers from across the country to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and [provides an] opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity.”

The annual program begins each year at ALA Midwinter, to be held in Boston in 2016. Emerging Leaders also present their work at a poster session during ALA Annual Conference, which will take place in Orlando. Additionally, participants may get the chance to participate in an ALA committee or taskforce.

Applications and references must be submitted online no later than August 1, 2015. Applicants may elect to seek sponsorship from a number of ALA divisions in order to help defray the costs of attending the required conferences, although this is not required.

Thanks to its robust reputation, Emerging Leaders is a great opportunity for newer librarians to gain experience within ALA, network, and add to their resumes. As 2015 Emerging Leader Anna Coats, Head of Youth Services at Livingston (NJ) Public Library, states, “The point of Emerging Leaders is to get you more involved and in an upward trajectory in ALA.” Many former participants go on to serve on ALA committees, in addition to securing leadership positions. The program is also a great way to collaborate with people and organizations outside your normal day-to-day work environment. This can be truly inspirational and have a positive effect on your regular work.

To help your application stand out, Coats suggests discussing any leadership experience you may already have, and to be specific while doing so. It doesn’t necessarily have to be running a department or singlehandedly chairing a committee; the little things like volunteering to take on a project that no one else wanted or mentoring a library school student count as well. Additionally, she advises to be clear about your goals and what you hope to get out of the program. Of course, it is also important to thoroughly look over your application before submission in order to make sure it is as clear and succinct as possible.

For more information, including specific selection criteria, visit ALA’s Emerging Leaders website.

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MILE Grows Future Minnesota Library Leaders and Networks https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/07/mile-grows-future-minnesota-library-leaders-and-networks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mile-grows-future-minnesota-library-leaders-and-networks https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/07/mile-grows-future-minnesota-library-leaders-and-networks/#respond Fri, 03 Jul 2015 15:23:31 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=6498 Since 2005, future Minnesota library leaders have come together to learn more about leadership styles, library trends and professional network building.

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The Minnesota Library Association Institute for Leadership Excellence (MILE) hosted their sixth biennial retreat for future library leaders from May 12-15, 2015.

Since 2005, future Minnesota library leaders have come together to learn more about leadership styles, library trends, and professional network building at the Minnesota Library Association Institute for Leadership Excellence (MILE). Every MILE retreat is unique, as it is planned by the previous graduating group. Library staff who are interested in participating are required to complete an application and undergo a selection process. The interest and demand for the program continues to grow, so not everyone who applies is selected. Selection is determined by previous MILE graduates.

One program that is typically revisited each year is a session on the book Strengths Finder by Tom Rath. Each attendee takes the StrengthsFinder assessment to learn more about their personal aptitudes. This year’s retreat also included sessions on library advocacy, leading from the middle, and creative thinking. Attendees had the opportunity to learn from experts like Barry Kudrowitz and Jamie LaRue. Participants are also paired with mentors from the professional library community who will help them work toward the goals they have set over the following eighteen months. Those interested in becoming mentors also complete an application. The information provided is used to match the skills of the mentor with the needs of individual mentees.

I had the opportunity to attend the last day of the retreat as a mentor for the program. It was great to see the connections that had already been built between the participants in such a short time. Most of my time was spent meeting one on one with my mentee. I’m excited to build the connection with another person in our state’s library community and expect to learn a few new ideas and perspectives myself. Several graduates from MILE work at our library system. I have seen real benefits of having staff with greater connections in the library world. It can be difficult to build this type of network. MILE achieves this in just four days.

MILE is the brainchild of members of the Minnesota Library Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing library services and increasing public awareness of Minnesota libraries. According to one of its founders, Don Kelsey, the program grew out of a conversation in 2004 based on workshop opportunities offered by the American Library Association. “We wanted to do it in Minnesota,” said Kelsey at a closing session of the conference. “The Foundation looks at this as a way to pay it forward.”

The program has reaped benefits from its efforts. Three of the last four Minnesota Library Association presidents have been MILE graduates. In addition, approximately forty percent of last year’s MLA conference attendees had a MILE connection, according to Kelsey.

It will be another two years before the next MILE retreat begins. Visit the Minnesota Library Association website for more information.


MILE 2015 Conference

Minnesota Library Association’s Institute for Leadership Excellence (MILE) 2015

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The Little Library That Lent a Hand: Ferguson Municipal Public Library https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/02/the-little-library-that-lent-a-hand-ferguson-municipal-public-library/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-little-library-that-lent-a-hand-ferguson-municipal-public-library https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/02/the-little-library-that-lent-a-hand-ferguson-municipal-public-library/#comments Thu, 12 Feb 2015 20:00:27 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=5467 If anyone doubt that libraries respond to their communities in times of emergencies, the Ferguson Municipal Public Library remained the one calming and stable constant in this Missouri town’s tumultuous life as schools, businesses, and other government agencies closed after the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown.

The post The Little Library That Lent a Hand: Ferguson Municipal Public Library first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

“We are open 9-4. Wi-Fi, water, rest, knowledge. We are here for you. If neighbors have kids, let them know teachers are here today, too.”[1] (#Ferguson Library@fergusonlibrary)

If anyone doubts that libraries respond to their communities in times of emergencies, the Ferguson Municipal Public Library remained the one calming and stable constant in this Missouri town’s tumultuous life as schools, businesses, and other government agencies closed after the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown.

Even when sometimes violent protests erupted, the only librarian on staff, Scott Bonner, kept the library doors open. And when he reached out for help via social networking, many volunteers as well as supporters around the nation joined him in preserving the one glimmer of light during a very dark time in this community.

Although Bonner had only assumed his position in July, he had already developed a relationship with local businesses and the community by opening the library as a meeting space. During a recent interview Bonner explained he had “a very broad definition of librarianship.” [2] That’s why the Small Business Administration, through Bonner’s invitation, had previously used the Ferguson Library as a staging point to meet with business owners affected by storm damage in order to offer emergency loans.

As Ferguson’s sole librarian with a staff of several part-time librarian assistants and one part-time administrative assistant, Bonner operates in much the same way as many small public library directors.  Bonner wears many hats, library director, children’s librarian, reference librarian, all rolled into one.

In August, however, he could never have anticipated how broadly he would define that concept of librarianship, and as a result, elevated that concept, too.

As SWAT team police officers swarmed the streets of this divided community, the news media from around the world occupied every inch of space in this small town, and the Governor of Missouri declared a state of emergency, Bonner made the decision to keep the library open and hung this sign in its window instead:

During difficult times

The library is a quiet oasis

Where we can catch our

Breath, learn and think

About what to do next.

Please help to keep our oasis

Peaceful and serene.

Thank you.[3]

When area schools closed, with the help of volunteers, the library offered classes to up to 200 school children with nowhere else to go.[4] It offered computer access to residents who had none. It offered the news media a place of respite. With the help of some volunteers, Bonner created healing kits for children.

In one of many interviews, Bonner conceded that “if I had any sense, I should have shut down.” Yet he has continued to deliver an important message about libraries and being a librarian.  He emphasizes that what he did was “not notable, just noticeable”.[5]

In interview after interview, Bonner reveals the character, values, and strength of conviction that shaped his decision to remain open and that also shape his role as a librarian.  As he responds to the many questions asked about his decision, his responses always speak to the need to serve the community, to provide information services, and to foster free and open communication.[6]

In an interview with BuzzFeed, he explained that “this is totally, exactly, right in the wheel house of what any library does, what every library does. We have a dramatic moment, and a dramatic circumstance caught the nation’s attention, but this is exactly what libraries do every day.”[7]

Ashley Ford of BuzzFeed tweeted that the Ferguson library would be open and solicited donations.  “We all know that books save lives, please donate…”  Saves lives.  That resonated with the world in the midst of a town infuriated by the loss of life. Authors Neil Gaiman and John Greene joined her as did Reading for Rainbows.  It seemed that everyone admired this little library’s courage.

Donations keep coming in. Right now, donations exceed Ferguson’s $400,000 yearly operating budget. Bonner looks forward to hiring a Children’s Librarian this year.

Angie Manfredi, head of youth services for Los Alamos County Library System, NM, started a Twitter campaign soliciting books for the library. She created a wish list for FMPL on Powell’s,[8]

“Thanks to her efforts, we’re going to have one of the strongest collections in the state for civic engagement, civil rights history, and recovering from trauma,” beams Bonner.

No one can dispute his courage during the chaos and conflict in Ferguson.  Buildings burned several blocks from the library building and the doors still remained open.

As a librarian, Bonner’s courage extended well beyond physically opening those doors.  His actions, along with his insights about librarianship might have opened minds about the role of libraries.  It certainly highlighted the important role the Ferguson library played in the lives of that community in crisis.

One little library, one big librarian, one shared vision and dream:  Libraries can transform lives. They serve communities.Every day.


[1] Bonner, Scott. 2014. Twitter message from Ferguson Municipal Public Library. (#Ferguson Library@ferguson library). August 15, 2014, 6:07 PM.

[2] An Interview with Scott Bonner. (2014, January 1). (2014, January 1). The Magpie Librarian: a librarian’s guide to modern life and etiquette. Retrieved December 17, 2014, from Magpielibrarian.wordpress.com


[4] Axelrad, J. (2014, December 10). Ferguson library, a community pillar during unrest, gets $350,000 in donations (video). The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved December 17, 2014, from http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/USA-Update/2014/1210/Ferguson-library-a-community-pillar-during-unrest-gets-350-000-in-donations-video

[5] Miller, R. (2014, September 15). It’s What We Do: Service and sanctuary in Ferguson. Library Journal. Retrieved December 17, 2014 from http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2014/09/opinion/editorial/its-what-we-do-service-and-sanctuary-in-ferguson-editorial/

[6] An Interview with Scott Bonner. (2014, January 1). (2014, January 1). The Magpie Librarian: a librarian’s guide to modern life and etiquette. Retrieved December 17, 2014, from Magpielibrarian.wordpress.com

[7] Ford, A. (2014, November 25). Buzz Feed Books. Retrieved December 17, 2014, from http://www.buzzfeed.com/tag/books

[8] Axelrad, J. (2014, December 10).

Cover Photo CreditLoavesofbread (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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The Importance of Library Insurance: Investigate It Before You Need It https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2014/11/the-importance-of-insurance-investigate-it-before-you-need-it/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-importance-of-insurance-investigate-it-before-you-need-it https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2014/11/the-importance-of-insurance-investigate-it-before-you-need-it/#respond Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:25:32 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=5094 To be honest, insurance was not something I really thought much about. Of course I held personal insurance (home, auto, etc.), but for the library? I recognized the importance of the library having a basic liability policy.

The post The Importance of Library Insurance: Investigate It Before You Need It first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

To be honest, insurance was not something I really thought much about. Of course I held personal insurance (home, auto, etc.), but for the library? I recognized the importance of the library having a basic liability policy. As the Director, I made sure it covered if someone got hurt in the building and if, heaven forbid, the building had a fire and the contents needed to be replaced. I reviewed it annually in terms of replacement costs. But after that, I gave it very little thought. In fact, until a problem arose, I was not even aware that something called D & O insurance existed.

When the make-up of our Library Board changed, personalities shifted and perspectives clashed. Suddenly there were new situations in which it appeared that many of us, as well as the library itself, were vulnerable. It was then that I learned of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance (often called D&O). This insurance, purchased by the organization, reimburses the organization’s leadership for losses or advancement of defense costs of legal actions coming about from alleged wrongful acts in their capacity as leadership of the institution. Policies vary by the amount of coverage, but are offered by almost all of the major insurance companies. Costs are based on not only the amount of coverage, but the size of the board and institution.

At the time that I began to look into this insurance, my library was facing two possible legal actions. One stemmed from a communication problem over a fundraising event. The other involved the personality clashes of two significant individuals involved with the management of the library. It was a situation that six months earlier would have been inconceivable for all of us.

For our institution the cost increased our insurance line by approximately five hundred dollars annually. It was not an easy sell. However, the cost of one lawsuit would be far greater.

In the end, our fundraising event went off, but not without some very problematic hitches. The human conflict was a bit rougher to deal with, but fortunately it also did not end up in litigation. We were lucky that the Library Board had purchased D&O insurance. For me, it was all a little too close for comfort.

The need for such insurance—as well as the coverage—varies, and must certainly be analyzed on a per library basis. Certainly, one’s needs can be greatly affected by circumstance. Municipal libraries may be covered under town insurance policies, but might not be. What I do know definitively, is that is far better to research and discuss the options before there is a potential need. Based on our experience, I’d advise this is one of those situations where it’s better to be prepared.

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PLA Accepting Applications for 2015 PLA Leadership Academy https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2014/09/pla-accepting-applications-for-2015-pla-leadership-academy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pla-accepting-applications-for-2015-pla-leadership-academy https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2014/09/pla-accepting-applications-for-2015-pla-leadership-academy/#respond Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:02:42 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=4708 The Public Library Association (PLA) is now accepting applications for the PLA Leadership Academy: Navigating Change · Building Community, March 23-27, […]

The post PLA Accepting Applications for 2015 PLA Leadership Academy first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

The Public Library Association (PLA) is now accepting applications for the PLA Leadership Academy: Navigating Change · Building Community, March 23-27, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. This special event will offer intensive, empowering leadership education for public librarians who want to increase their capacity to lead not only within the library, but also in the community.

Developed in collaboration with the International City and County Managers Association (ICMA), and supported by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the PLA Leadership Academy offers a groundbreaking focus on developing the skills needed to work with municipal officials and other community stakeholders to enhance the position of the library within the community and improve the overall effectiveness of library services and programs.

The PLA Leadership Academy offers:

  • a three and a half day, in-person educational /networking event;
  • a professional coach program with experienced public library leaders and city managers;
  • development of real-world projects to implement at attendees’ libraries.

For this selective program, registration fees (valued at $2,500) are waived and all meals will be provided; however participants will be required to cover travel costs and lodging at the Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, S.C. Interested participants must complete an application, submit two letters of recommendation, and be accepted to participate in the PLA Leadership Academy. Applicants must be PLA members and MLS/MLIS librarians with at least five years of increasingly responsible experience. The application deadline is Sept. 30, 2014, and applicants will be notified of their acceptance status by Nov. 21. Attendance is selective and will be limited to thirty-two (32).

The PLA Leadership Academy: Navigating Change · Building Community was developed with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services grant. The curriculum is designed by the PLA Leadership Development Committee with the assistance of ICMA and Adam Goodman, director of the Center for Leadership, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., and builds on PLA’s previous leadership training initiatives.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact PLA at pla@ala.org or 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752).

About the Public Library Association
PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve. Its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services. For more information about PLA, contact the PLA office at (800) 545-2433, ext. 5PLA, or visit PLA’s website at www.pla.org.

About the International City/County Management Association
ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, advances professional local government worldwide. The organization’s mission is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional management to build sustainable communities that improve people’s lives. ICMA provides member support; publications; data and information; peer and results-oriented assistance; and training and professional development to 9,500 appointed city, town, and county leaders and other individuals and organizations throughout the world.

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums. Our mission is to inspire libraries and museums to advance innovation, lifelong learning, and cultural and civic engagement. Our grant making, policy development, and research help libraries and museums deliver valuable services that make it possible for communities and individuals to thrive. To learn more, visit www.imls.gov and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The post PLA Accepting Applications for 2015 PLA Leadership Academy first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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Entrepreneurial Leadership in Public Libraries https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2013/08/entrepreneurial-leadership-in-public-libraries/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=entrepreneurial-leadership-in-public-libraries https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2013/08/entrepreneurial-leadership-in-public-libraries/#respond Fri, 30 Aug 2013 17:11:18 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=3223 In the last decade, public libraries have faced drastic changes due to technological advances (e.g., smartphones and e-readers), and the changing information-seeking behavior of library users. More recently, public libraries are facing additional changes brought on by the continued economic downturn, which has forced many of them to undergo budget cuts that have resulted in the reduction of facilities, staff, hours, and resources. Yet public library use has increased as more people are coming to the library to take advantage of the services and resources offered. Public libraries function in a climate where budget cuts and the realignment of services are a reality. They have to find a balance between providing core services and offering new ones that meet the information needs of their communities.

The post Entrepreneurial Leadership in Public Libraries first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

In the last decade, public libraries have faced drastic changes due to technological advances (e.g., smartphones and e-readers), and the changing information-seeking behavior of library users. More recently, public libraries are facing additional changes brought on by the continued economic downturn, which has forced many of them to undergo budget cuts that have resulted in the reduction of facilities, staff, hours, and resources. Yet public library use has increased as more people are coming to the library to take advantage of the services and resources offered. Public libraries function in a climate where budget cuts and the realignment of services are a reality. They have to find a balance between providing core services and offering new ones that meet the information needs of their communities.

James Neal, vice president for information services and university librarian at Columbia University, addresses what academic libraries should be doing in a changing environment. According to him, regardless of the type of library in which the person functions, librarians “must pursue strategic thinking and action, fiscal agility, and creative approaches to the development of collections and services and to the expansion of  markets.”1 It may be that the directors of some public libraries, as some academic library directors have done, are exploring new ways of generating revenue streams. One way of doing this is by engaging in entrepreneurial activities in which a library expands its “interest in the organization of business operations to create new income streams for the organization.”2 Yet, no study has investigated whether public library directors engage in entrepreneurial leadership as a means of generating revenue in new ways.

The purpose of this study is to examine library directors’ views of such leadership, the types of entrepreneurial opportunities they are pursuing, and whether they are planning additional endeavors.

It aims to illustrate the benefits and challenges of entrepreneurial leadership, further the understanding of entrepreneurial leadership in public library settings, and offer insight into the types of entrepreneurial activities occurring in public libraries. The directors who are already engaged in entrepreneurial leadership will want to see what others are doing. This information may also be of interest to Friends of the Library groups and library trustees so that they can get a better sense of their supporting roles to libraries pursuing entrepreneurial activities. In addition, leadership institutes and professional associations will benefit from an understanding of how entrepreneurial leadership in public libraries is viewed. They can develop leadership education and training in the area of entrepreneurial leadership. Finally, this study will also be of interest to those offering continuing education since it may be beneficial for library managers to take classes or workshops in entrepreneurship.

Literature Review

The field of entrepreneurship is a relatively new area of interdisciplinary study.3 Busenitz et al.,4 who examined journals that cover entrepreneurship, see it as an emerging field of study within management. The traditional view of an entrepreneur is associated with business, and often entrepreneurs are defined as individuals who start their own small business.5 However, “entrepreneurship can involve nonprofit organizations.”6

A component found in some definitions of entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs create something new and add value.7 Another component is innovation.8 Several theorists and researchers mention the pursuit or exploitation of opportunities in their work on entrepreneurship,9 and Darling and Beebe describe entrepreneurship as “essentially about breaking new ground, going beyond the known, and creating a new future within an organizational setting.”10 Vecchio argues that “studies of entrepreneurs have not yet offered a convincing profile of factors that clearly make entrepreneurs different from others.”11 As a result, he believes entrepreneurship is part of the study of leadership.

Thoughts on Entrepreneurial Leadership

According to Powell, “Entrepreneurial leadership stems from the concepts of leadership and entrepreneurship.”12 Like with entrepreneurship, there is no clearly established and agreed upon definition of such leadership. It is very much a concept still in the nascent stages.13 Some research finds an overlap between entrepreneurship and leadership.14 For Cogliser and Bingham, vision, influence (both of followers and of a larger constituency), planning, and “leading innovative/creative people” are relevant to entrepreneurial leadership.15

Eggers and Leahy found thirty-four leadership skills as critical to entrepreneurial leaders. The top five are: (1) financial management, (2) communication, (3) motivation of others, (4) vision, and (5) self-motivation.16 Vision is often mentioned in entrepreneurial leadership research. Gupta, MacMillan, and Surie add vision as a component in their definition of entrepreneurial leadership:

Leadership that creates visionary scenarios that are used to assemble and mobilize a “supporting cast” of participants who become committed by the vision to the discovery and exploitation of strategic value creation. This definition emphasizes the challenge of mobilizing the resources and gaining the commitment required for value creation that the entrepreneurial leader faces, which involves creating a vision and a cast of supporters capable of enacting that vision.17

The research of Darling, Keeffe, and Ross focuses on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneurial leader, namely “leading through direct involvement, a process that creates value for organizational stakeholders by bringing together a unique innovation and package of resources to respond to a recognized opportunity.”18 Being a successful entrepreneurial leader involves promoting new activities, being creative, innovative, and constantly adapting to change. In addition, it is having the ability to take advantage effectively of opportunities and to motivate people to be involved in taking advantage of those opportunities.19

Entrepreneurial Leadership and Libraries

There is minimal research on entrepreneurial leadership in libraries. Most writings on entrepreneurship in library and information science are either informative or opinion essays; they do not comprise research. However, there are a couple of examples such as Kilgour’s20 examination of entrepreneurial librarians between 1880 and 1970, and Nijboer’s21 presentation of how libraries can engage in cultural entrepreneurship. Some writings provide examples of revenue-generating areas in libraries such as cafés.22 Another example is by Neal, who discusses the need for academic libraries to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and to “create new income streams for the organization.”23 DeVries points out that, while librarians engage in discovering, evaluating, and exploiting opportunities to create new services, these activities are not labeled as entrepreneurship.24

More Focus on the Definition

Shane and Venkataraman define entrepreneurship as the process of discovery, evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities to create goods or services,25 and Darling, Keeffe, and Ross view entrepreneurial leadership as “leading, through direct involvement, a process that creates value for organizational stakeholders by bringing together a unique innovation and package of resources to respond to a recognized opportunity.”26 Neal identifies three objectives of entrepreneurial business initiatives: “to produce new income to benefit library collections and services, to learn through these activities, and to apply these lessons to library programs.”27 He also identifies several characteristics that “reflect an entrepreneurial culture and an innovative spirit.” These characteristics portray his typology for entrepreneurial activity in an academic library setting. The characteristics are: “active faculty participation, a research and development focus, innovative applications of technology, academic and corporate partnerships, foundation and federal funding, and a potential for capitalization and marketing.”28 These characteristics can be adapted to fit a public library setting (see table 1). Shane and Venkataraman’s definition (paired with Darling, Keeffe, and Ross’ definition as well as Neal’s idea of generating new revenue streams for libraries) serves as a framework for investigating entrepreneurial leadership and entrepreneurial activities in public libraries.

Research Questions

This study focuses on investigating whether public library directors engage in entrepreneurial leadership as a means of generating revenue in new ways. The following questions are probed:

  1. How do public library directors define entrepreneurial leadership? Do they share the same definition or certain common characteristics in the definitions?
  2. How well does Neal’s general typology of entrepreneurial activity (see table 1) apply to public libraries?
  3. What types of entrepreneurial activities are they engaging in and for how long? What is the focus of such activities?
  4. To what extent do they view entrepreneurial activities as a way to generate revenue streams?
  5. Do they have future plans for engaging in additional entrepreneurial activities? What are they?


Peter Hernon, professor of the Simmons College PhD Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions (MLIP) program, asked Luis Herrera, city librarian for the City and County of San Francisco, and Jan Sanders, director of libraries and information services for the City of Pasadena, to identify public library directors engaged in entrepreneurial activities other than the library cafés. While operating a café is one type of entrepreneurial activity, it is too common as a sole basis for selection of participants. Herrera and Sanders provided some suggestions. To this list, Professor Hernon added one public library director. To further expand this list, the investigator shared it with Maureen Sullivan and Camilla Alire, also professors of practice in the MLIP program, and asked them for additional names. The investigator used the snowball technique; she asked each director interviewed to suggest potential participants. In order to preserve confidentiality, she asked them to contact those individuals and inquire whether or not they would be willing to participate. In addition to this, the investigator asked the aforementioned individuals to review Neal’s altered table (see table 1) and comment on it. The investigator made changes as requested by the panel of five national leaders.

Table 1. Neal's Typology of Entrepreneurial Activities Adopted to Fit Public Libraries

Between November 2011 and July 2012, telephone interviews were conducted with study participants. The investigator contacted them by email, letting them know about the study and encouraging them to participate. The email contained a letter explaining the study and why their participation matters. The directors were assured of confidentiality, and, for the purposes of the study and reporting findings, they were identified by a letter from the alphabet to conceal their identity. The names of their institutions also remained confidential so that they would not be identified by association with their institutions. Those that agreed to participate received a list of open-ended questions that the investigator asked during the telephone interview. The participants had approximately one week to review the questions and prepare any notes before the telephone interview.

The interview form was reviewed by Hernon (as well as by Herrera and Sanders) in the fall of 2011 for clarity (reliability) and the capture of research questions and the theoretical framework (internal validity). Before the interview questions were finalized, the Simmons MLIP 2011 Cohort pre-tested them. During the pre-test, the wording of the questions was examined for clarity and some questions were rewritten based on the comments.


Of the twelve directors initially identified as entrepreneurial leaders, nine participated in the study. By utilizing the snowballing technique, the investigator came across thirteen additional names. It is worth noting that some names came up several times. Out of those thirteen, there was a director identified that had since retired and could not be contacted as well as another director who had moved from a public library to an academic library, and was thus no longer qualified to participate in the study. Following study procedures, the investigator was only able to contact six directors from the list of thirteen names acquired by utilizing the snowball technique, and only three consented to participate. The study had a total of twelve participants out of eighteen directors contacted for a participation rate of 66.7 percent.


The participants were provided with a definition of entrepreneurial leadership: “creating a vision and leading the organization through the process of discovery, evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities to generate revenue streams that reinforce existing services or lead to new services and/or funding models.” Four participants were satisfied with it. One director added that “Entrepreneurial leaders also work on maximizing the investment that exists already.” The other participants wanted to change part of the definition. Two participants were concerned about the word exploitation and thought it was harsh. They preferred realization or implementation. Another participant thought the definition strongly focused on revenue streams, but should move beyond just a financial focus. One director preferred a focus on working with and leading people, and another found the definition to be “overly reductive” pointing out that there are “smaller opportunities which can be called entrepreneurial [such as] discovering things about human beings and their needs.” It was noted that any mention of partnerships was missing from the definition and that new or additional revenue streams could not completely replace tax funding for libraries; the majority of library funding will always come from taxpayers. Six participants agreed that entrepreneurial leadership was about constantly evaluating how the library is doing and looking for new opportunities and partnerships.

Neal’s Typology

After reviewing table 1, four participants agreed that it was fine as is. The other eight participants suggested additions (see table 2). For the category “active community participation, active library board participation, and active staff engagement and support,” one director pointed out that there is a difference between active and focused participation and that having an active library board does not equal having an entrepreneurial organization. This director also mentioned that it is important to value innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit in an organization and recognize it when it happens in order to preserve it. For the category “focus on community needs and relevance” a director felt that this was the most important activity, adding that an entrepreneurial library setting is one that demonstrates return on investment.


When discussing the category of “innovative applications of technology,” a director mentioned that library users come in with varying knowledge and comfort levels with technology, which makes it necessary for the public library to innovate at a level consistent with the skills and comfort levels of the general public. This could limit or slow the extent to which a library is involved in entrepreneurial activities. Another director recommended using lean principles of process to promote efficiency and effectiveness for various applications of technology. The idea behind this is that libraries are more reflective of an entrepreneurial environment if they have efficient and streamlined processes. A different director stated that public libraries have to be “very cognizant about bridging the digital divide” and that “the public library offers the opportunity for a large number of residents to get free computer training and free online connectivity.” This comment served as a way for this director to clarify the meaning of the category.

For the category of “community and corporate collaboration” a director emphasized the importance of defining partnerships in such a way that moves the organization forward and in a way that aligns with the library’s strategic plan. This director advised library leadership not to do something that does not fit with the direction the library is going and that does not make sense for that library. There were no additions to the category of “foundation and federal funding,” which lists types of funding, and none to the category of “potential for capitalization and marketing.” It was noted that, “Public libraries are always seeking opportunities to use the strength of numbers to negotiate a better value for products and services.”

Types, Focus, and Length of Entrepreneurial Activities

The participants engaged in a variety of activities they consider entrepreneurial (see table 3 below). The focus of the activities can be grouped into four categories: (1) traditional library services funded by outside support, (2) activities that directly generate revenue, (3) activities that do not generate revenue but provide a new product or service, and (4) activities that are non-revenue generating but add value. The length of time that participants have been engaged in entrepreneurial activities varies. The longest amount of time is thirty years and that is for membership in a library consortium. The shortest amount of time engaged in an activity is two years, and the activities for that time frame are: planning for a library branch in a children’s museum, revenue from a tobacco tax, and the e-book platform.

Table 3. Entrepreneurial Activities Public Libraries are Engaged In

Revenue Streams

Seven activities were mentioned as revenue generating, with some producing more revenue than others. The activities identified as revenue generating are:

  1. building rentals for various events,
  2. cafés,
  3. consulting service for other libraries,
  4. passport service,
  5. revenues from tobacco tax,
  6. endowment for library foundation, and
  7. Friends of the Library fundraising activities.

Three other activities generated revenue indirectly. The first activity is summer reading programs, which libraries received funding for, from entities such as sports teams or local newspapers. The second is a community reference project which did not generate revenue itself. However, the business community made donations for a campaign to pass a library ballot issue because they were impressed with the project. Lastly, a community history project was not revenue-generating but the library gained private support from the exposure through activities such as the television interviews. Some directors mentioned activities as entrepreneurial though they did not generate revenue. They preferred sharing the ideas with other libraries to benefit the greater library community and library users, rather than charging for them.

Future Entrepreneurial Activities

All of the library directors plan to pursue entrepreneurial activities in the future. Some already have specific plans for types of activities they wish to pursue while others are not exactly sure what those activities will be. Those that did not have specific activities planned believe libraries have to constantly look for ways to improve daily operations and for new opportunities and partnerships that may generate revenue. One director stated that new activities for the library should be based on the library staying relevant and meeting the specific needs of the library’s community. This was reflected by other directors who stated that any entrepreneurial activities that a library is engaged in must make sense for that library and for that community. One director commented that libraries should diversify revenue streams in order to offset library vulnerability when difficult economic times arise.

A participant has plans for creating “co-creation” spaces at the main library for entrepreneurial people to come and meet with clients or brainstorm with other entrepreneurs. This director also mentioned piloting customized spaces within a library. The director of another library has a wealth of historical information and photographs, and wants to put together a coffee table book of historical photographs, have it published, and made available for sale at the library. This director is also interested in having posters, postcards, and other paraphernalia that speak to the history of the city available for sale. The library owns items that are locked away yet they could be used in a revenue-generating way. A sculpture (of a girl on a bench reading to a dog) was commissioned by a donor at the request of another library director. The sculpture was very popular in this library and the director is considering partnering with the sculptor to promote the sale of similar sculptures to other libraries. The library would get a commission fee for every sculpture purchased.

A director plans to expand on activities that the library is already doing with some variation and depth. This library partnered with the inner city hospital and healthcare foundation to deliver information through library branches. This director sees a need for the library to organize information and have it readily available before people come looking for it because people trust libraries in ways that they do not trust other institutions. A participant is planning to allow customers to pay fines online or via self-check stations with the option to round up fines to the nearest dollar. This extra money would go to the library endowment campaign and has the potential to generate $100,000 or more per year. One director labeled her future activities as “political entrepreneurship” explaining that in a few years the library will have to go back to voters and needs a two-thirds vote to continue the specialized tax dedicated to the library. The will be the third time that the library will be on the ballot and there are a lot of politics involved in getting the city council to put this on the ballot. The director of another library plans to take a lead in acquiring or developing a volunteer software matching process. In his community, public entities are looking for more public engagement.

General Comments

When asked if they had any additional comments, one participant stated that a library director “can’t be a good leader without being entrepreneurial.” Another participant thought that libraries have a lot of potential to engage in entrepreneurial activities. One director emphasized that what is entrepreneurial in one community may not be in another. This tied to the opinion stated by several directors that any entrepreneurial activities the library is engaged in have to be relevant to the community. The director of one library suggested that a library must be cognizant of the customer’s needs and that directors should determine if there is a way to create revenue for the library while also meeting a community need.

A lot of change is happening in libraries today and libraries have to adapt. According to a participant, “Just by adapting the principle of entrepreneurship, they [libraries] become more flexible and open and this is what we have to be.” Another participant mentioned that to be entrepreneurial in the kind of circumstances we are in today, libraries: “(1) must not forget the traditional library, (2) introduce people to the rare and finer pleasures of reading and civilization, and (3) not be afraid of change.”

One director thought that entrepreneurial leadership is something that needs to be pervasive within the organization. Another director echoed this by stating that if you want to have an entrepreneurial organization, you have to show that you value that. You have to define it for your staff and reward it when it happens. A different director’s comment on entrepreneurial leadership was “It doesn’t even seem to be something special anymore. It is a basic and general expectation of any director that wants to be in today’s world. The needs are too great for communities. Entrepreneurial leadership is almost a requirement.” However, another participant thought that getting library directors to think of entrepreneurial leadership as a concept and plan things based on being entrepreneurial is a challenge because, traditionally, library directors are not trained to think this way. Finally, another participant saw entrepreneurial leadership as an opportunity. He said, “Entrepreneurial leadership is both an incredible opportunity and a danger. If we are willing to try new things that get at our mission it is a fantastic time to be a librarian. A focus on civic engagement and community engagement deepens our connections. By chasing new things you can run yourself away from the purpose or mission of your organization.”


Traditionally, when one thinks of revenue-generating organizations, one does not include libraries in that category. It was not surprising that the participants reacted most negatively to the phrasing “exploitation of opportunities” in the definition of entrepreneurial leadership provided for this study. That phrasing comes from definitions of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial leadership found in business-related research, although some agree that entrepreneurship can extend to nonprofit organizations.29 The other portion of the definition that some participants had trouble with was “generate revenue streams,” because that has not traditionally been viewed as a major role for libraries and is something mostly associated with businesses. In describing the types of entrepreneurial activities that they were engaged in, the participants that did not generate direct revenue streams from their activities still fit the definition of entrepreneurial leadership because they created something new that adds value30 and/or because their activities involve innovation.31

Entrepreneurial activities that participants engaged in were varied and the activities ranged from the fairly recent to those that have been going on for a number of years. Even with confidentiality guaranteed, several participants were not comfortable providing estimates of how much revenue is generated by the activities. This makes it difficult to determine a range or come up with an average. It was not unexpected that several directors were interested in entrepreneurial activities but not concerned with generating revenue. Rather, they were willing to share their achievements with other libraries. From the study findings, it is clear that with innovative projects like the integrated library system (ILS) and e-book platform,32 there was a focus on the greater good for libraries and library users rather than generating profits. This fits with the idea of libraries not being revenue generators and was partially reflected by participant comments on the definition of entrepreneurial leadership that was provided.

All participants were interested in pursuing entrepreneurial activities in the future, even the participants that did not have a clear idea of what those activities may be. The participants agreed that there was a need for libraries to be entrepreneurial, to pursue new and innovative activities, and to embrace change as a way to survive. None of the participants seemed satisfied with the status quo and that is, perhaps, why they were identified as entrepreneurial leaders.

Out of the entrepreneurial activities libraries are engaging in, some do stand out as more extreme than others. The three that stand out are the consulting service, the development of an ILS, and the development of the e-book platform. The consulting activity is revenue generating and provides a service that is typically not provided by libraries. In the case of the development of an ILS and the e-book platform, both directors were not satisfied with the products or models that dominate the library market and decided to explore options on their own that would better serve their needs. It will be interesting to see if similar activities will become more common for libraries in the future.

Further research on entrepreneurial leadership in public libraries should examine whether entrepreneurial activities are becoming more prevalent. Another topic to be addressed is leading change in an organization. How are directors that are engaged in entrepreneurial activities preparing their organization for those activities? Many of the activities mentioned in this study are large enough in scope to need organizational support and they are not activities that a director can accomplish alone. In this study entrepreneurial leadership was defined as: “creating a vision and leading the organization through the process of discovery, evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities to generate revenue streams that reinforce existing services or lead to new services and/or funding models.” This definition should be reexamined in the future.


Library entrepreneurial activities are diverse and many can be applied on a smaller or larger scale. As noted in the study, when exploring types of entrepreneurial activities, it is essential to find something that aligns with the library’s strategic plan and something that makes sense for the community the library is located in. All study participants have plans for engaging in further entrepreneurial activities. Some have a clear idea of what those activities will be while others are still exploring the possibilities. There is agreement that library directors need a more entrepreneurial mindset and that there needs to be more discussion of what it means to be an entrepreneurial leader. In the future, there will be a need for more entrepreneurial leaders that are forward thinking and that are constantly looking for ways to improve the library if libraries are to remain relevant and survive in this climate of constant change and uncertainty.

As change remains the only constant in public libraries and as they continue to operate in an economic downturn, it becomes necessary for libraries to reexamine how to stay relevant and explore innovation and the idea of diversifying revenue streams to decrease vulnerability. Still faced with an uncertain future, entrepreneurial leadership may become more of a necessity in the public library of the future.

Some types of entrepreneurial activities are revenue generating while others are innovative, yet do not generate revenue. One thing is clear: all the activities add value to their respective libraries whether it is through a product or service the library offers, direct revenue, or indirect funds that
find their way to the library based on the activities the library is engaged in.


  1. James G. Neal, “The Entrepreneurial Imperative: Advancing from Incremental to Radical Change in the Academic Library,” portal: Libraries and the Academy 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2001): 1.
  2. Ibid., 10.
  3. Claudia Cogliser and Keith Brigham, “The Intersection of Leadership and Entrepreneurship: Mutual Lessons to be Learned,” Leadership Quarterly 14, no.6 (Dec. 2004): 771-779; Lloyd Fernald Jr., George Solomon, and Ayman Tarabishy, “A New Paradigm: Entrepreneurial Leadership,” Southern Business Review 30, no. 2 (Spring 2005): 1-10; Donald Kuratko, “Entrepreneurial Leadership in the 21st Century,” Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 13, no. 4 (2007): 1-11.
  4. Lowell Busenitz et al., “Entrepreneurship Research in Emergence: Past Trends and Future Directions,” Journal of Management 29, no. 3 (June 2003): 285-308.
  5. Satyabir Bhattacharyya, “Entrepreneurship and Innovation: How Leadership Style Makes the Difference?” Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers 31, no.1 (Jan. 2006): 107-115; Peter Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles (New York: Harper & Row, 1985).
  6. William Gartner, “What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Entrepreneurship?” Journal of Business Venturing 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1990): 27.
  7. Bhattacharyya, “Entrepreneurship and Innovation.”
  8. Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Howard Stevenson and J. Carlos Jarillo, “A Paradigm of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Management,” Strategic Management Journal 11, no. 5 (Summer 1990): 17-27.
  9. Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Rita McGrath and Ian MacMillan, The Entrepreneurial Mindset (Boston: Harvard Business School Pr., 2000); Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (New York: Harper, 1950); Stevenson and Jarillo, “A Paradigm of Entrepreneurship.”
  10. John Darling and Steven Beebe, “Enhancing Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Focus on Key Communication Priorities,” Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 20, no. 2 (spring 2007): 152.
  11. Robert Vecchio, “Entrepreneurship and Leadership: Common Trends and Common Threads.” Human Resource Management Review 13, no. 2 (Summer 2003): 322.
  12. Freda Powell, The Impact of Mentoring and Social Networks On the Entrepreneurial Leadership Characteristics, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Overall Business Success of Women Who Own Small Government Contracting Businesses (Doctoral dissertation 2010). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (No. 3447891): 36.
  13. Stephen Kempster and Jason Cope, “Learning to Lead in the Entrepreneurial Context,” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 16, no. 1 (2010): 9.
  14. Cogliser and Brigham, “The Intersection of Leadership and Entrepreneurship”; Fernald Jr., Solomon, and Tarabishy, “A New Paradigm.”
  15. Cogliser and Brigham, “The Intersection of Leadership and Entrepreneurship,” 777.
  16. John Eggers and Kim Leahy, “Entrepreneurial Leadership,” Business Quarterly 59, no. 4 (summer 1995): 71.
  17. Vipin Gupta, Ian MacMillan, and Gita Surie, “Entrepreneurial Leadership: Developing and Measuring a Cross-Cultural Construct,” Journal of Business Venturing 19, no. 2 (Mar. 2004): 242.
  18. John Darling, Michael Keeffe, and John Ross, “Entrepreneurial Leadership Strategies and Values: Keys to Operational Excellence,” Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 20, no. 1 (Jan. 2007): 42.
  19. Ibid.
  20. Frederick Kilgour, “Entrepreneurial Leadership,” Library Trends 40, no. 3 (Jan. 1992): 457-74.
  21. Jelke Nijboer, “Cultural Entrepreneurship in Libraries,” New Library World 107, no. 9 (Sept. 2006): 434-43.
  22. Beth Dempsey, “Cashing in on Service,” Library Journal 129, no. 18 (Nov. 2004): 38-41.
  23. Neal, “The Entrepreneurial Imperative.”
  24. JoAnn DeVries, “Entrepreneurial Librarians: Embracing Innovation and Motivation,” Science & Technology Libraries 24, no. 1 (Mar. 2003): 209-10.
  25. Scott Shane and Sankaran Venkataraman, “The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research,” The Academy of Management Review 25, no. 1 (Jan. 2000): 217-26.
  26. Darling, Keeffe, and Ross, “Entrepreneurial Leadership Strategies and Values.”
  27. Neal, “The Entrepreneurial Imperative,” 11.
  28. Ibid., 8.
  29. Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Gartner, “What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Entrepreneurship?”
  30. Bhattacharyya, “Entrepreneurship and Innovation?”; Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
  31. Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Stevenson and Jarillo, “A Paradigm of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Management.”
  32. The library has collaborated directly with publishers to offer e-books to its patrons via the library catalog. The library purchases the titles directly from the publishers rather than an aggregator and manages its own content.

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Excellent Leadership Takes Practice https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2013/01/excellent-leadership-takes-practice/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=excellent-leadership-takes-practice https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2013/01/excellent-leadership-takes-practice/#comments Tue, 15 Jan 2013 21:03:27 +0000 http://publiclibrariesonline.org/?p=1365 Some people think leadership can be taught and others believe that you are born with it. To me, leadership is a skill that is learned. I believe this because of professional development opportunities that I’ve participated in over the past few years.

The post Excellent Leadership Takes Practice first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

Some people think leadership can be taught and others believe that you are born with it. To me, leadership is a skill that is learned. I believe this because of professional development opportunities that I’ve participated in over the past few years.

One of the most extensive programs I participated in is coordinated by the Colorado Association of Libraries Leadership Development Committee — the Leadership Institute (CALLI) for Colorado librarians. About twenty library workers from around the state are selected for this year-long program. Over the course of the year, participants meet online once a month and in person three times. Each of the meetings focuses on a different topic including change management, ethics, and communication. I was part of the 2010-11 cohort and am now a co-chair of the committee.

Now, what is leadership? This is a tricky question because leaders are found in all levels of organizations, and some have titles and others don’t. Leadership and management often are confused to be the same thing. A manager can be a leader and excel at management. But, being a good manager does not mean that someone is a leader. A leader inspires her team by being visionary (planning 5 to 10 years out), taking risks, and being influential. Good managers are necessary and provide a different role. They grow people, coordinate, determine resource allocation and plan for the immediate future (2 years out). This distinction is an important one to make.

How are we meant to learn about leadership and management? There are a variety of options to support all types of learning styles and that can be overwhelming.  To get started, pick just one: read books, read blogs, observe leaders you do and don’t admire, and participate in workshops. Some of my favorite books are: Leading from the Front by Courtney Lynch and Angie Morgan, Fun is Good by Mike Veeck, and Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.

Blogs can also be a great place to get information about leadership and management. LeadStar has great information for women leaders (as managers or as a peer leader). Ask A Manager also has excellent information. Allison Green bases her blog posts on questions from her followers. Green replies to the questions and then followers post their ideas as well.

I believe that everyone who comes into my life is there to teach me something. These encounters can vary in length. Supervisors are generally there for the long haul and provide great opportunity for observational learning. Notice how they treat you and others during times of achievement and times of challenge. Start practicing the behavior you like in them and notice when you are mirroring negative behavior. As with any skill, excellent leadership takes practice. Be a peer leader and start practicing now. Learn from everyone you meet along the way.

Workshops really recharge my batteries and inspire me to do more. The workshops can be anything from an hour session on social networking or a multi-day state-wide conference. CALLI is a long-term leadership learning experience, but short-term quick workshops will also inspire and motivate.

What steps are you going to take to become an inspirational leader? And, what are your favorite resources about leadership?

The post Excellent Leadership Takes Practice first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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