online learning - Public Libraries Online A Publication of the Public Library Association Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:34:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Education: Connected or Disconnected? Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:34:30 +0000 Online coursework is becoming more prevalent across higher education, and this is especially the case in MLIS programs. When I began working towards my master’s in 2011, online programs were already popular; now, they seem even more ubiquitous. A recent article in Slate, “An Online Education Disconnect” by Rachael Cusick, explores the pros and cons of this type of study, which inspired me to explore my own thoughts as well.

The post Online Education: Connected or Disconnected? first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

Online coursework is becoming more prevalent across higher education, and this is especially the case in MLIS programs. When I began working towards my master’s in 2011, online programs were already popular; now, they seem even more ubiquitous. A recent article in Slate, “An Online Education Disconnect” by Rachael Cusick[1], explores the pros and cons of this type of study, which inspired me to explore my own thoughts as well.

When I opted to pursue my MLIS, I was already removed from college and working full-time. I knew it was not financially feasible for me to stop working or to dramatically reduce my hours. The nearest on-site MLIS program to me did not offer many of the classes I wanted to focus on, and it was not realistic for me to relocate out of state. Having met several colleagues who had pursued their degrees online, I felt that was my best option as well.

The program I eventually settled on was a hybrid: not entirely online, and not entirely on-campus. It required a trip to campus one weekend a semester to meet with our classmates and professors. Additionally, each online course had an on-campus counterpart. Those lectures were recorded live and made available for asynchronous viewing. Each class also incorporated discussion boards, and some had weekly synchronous chats. Since I had never taken an online class before, I felt more comfortable with this approach than attending solely online.

I was happy with my program and would make the same choice again if given the chance. The hybrid approach allowed me to feel connected to my classmates and the LIS faculty, and the online nature allowed me to work around my professional life. I felt that I received the best of both worlds, and I am very grateful that I took the time to consider the merits of different types of online programs.

Cusick’s findings, however, were not quite as positive. She noted feeling disconnected from her classmates, especially in terms of communication. Her class utilized a virtual hand-raising function through Blackboard Collaborate for those who wished to speak during a lecture. This, she found, disrupted the flow of discussion and made it harder to pay attention.

Clearly every school takes a somewhat different approach to online education, and some work better than others. Additionally, MLIS students’ needs vary depending on their own unique situations. My biggest piece of advice to prospective students considering getting their degree online would be to look at the different options and see which best meets their criteria and learning styles. Not every approach will work for everyone; however, it is not realistic to completely condemn online learning as being bad. Rather, it is all about finding the style that’s best for you and your lifestyle.

Did you receive your MLIS online? How would you rate your experience?


[1] Cusick, Rachael. “An Online Education Disconnect.” Slate. September 12, 2016. Accessed September 24, 2016. 

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Public Library Offers Online High School Thu, 04 Aug 2016 19:12:16 +0000 On July 31, 2016, the Fountaindale (Ill.) Public Library District (FPLD) celebrated their first Smart Horizons Career Online High School (COHS) graduation, with three graduates receiving diplomas. COHS, in partnership with Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, is an online high school diploma and career certification program. COHS began in 2011 and was accredited as of February 2012. In 2014, FPLD became the third public library in the country to offer this vital initiative, thanks to grant funding from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and the Clinton Global Initiative. This funding allowed FPLD the opportunity to award seventy-five COHS scholarships to prospective students.

The post Public Library Offers Online High School first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

On July 31, 2016, the Fountaindale (Ill.) Public Library District (FPLD) celebrated their first Smart Horizons Career Online High School (COHS) graduation, with three graduates receiving diplomas. COHS, in partnership with Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, is an online high school diploma and career certification program. COHS began in 2011 and was accredited as of February 2012. In 2014, FPLD became the third public library in the country to offer this vital initiative, thanks to grant funding from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and the Clinton Global Initiative. This funding allowed FPLD the opportunity to award seventy-five COHS scholarships to prospective students.

“Every person who enters Career Online High School has a different story, and the common thread which ties our three graduates together is a dedication to achieve their dreams through the power of education,” said Debra Dudek, Adult & Teen Services manager at FPLD. “It takes guts, perseverance, personal drive, and a willingness to dream big to achieve success in Career Online High School. Along the way, there are friends, parents, academic coaches and library staff members who help lighten the load of the journey for our participants.” These graduates are not only FPLD’s first graduates, they are also the first individuals in the state of Illinois to receive their high school diploma through the public library.

Today, FPLD has thirty COHS enrollees, and now that RAILS has initiated a partnership with COHS, another ten Illinois libraries will be offering Career Online High School in their districts later this year. For more information about this partnership, please visit

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Adults Prefer Physical Classrooms to Virtual Tue, 24 May 2016 19:45:36 +0000 While many may attest to the idea that online leaning is a wave that future generations will ride, today’s adults prefer learning the old-fashioned way: in a classroom with other students and a teacher at the front of the room. For many, this continued education takes place at their local libraries. According to the Pew Research Center, most adults feel libraries are successful at serving the educational needs of its patrons.

The post Adults Prefer Physical Classrooms to Virtual first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

While many may attest to the idea that online leaning is a wave that future generations will ride, today’s adults prefer learning the old-fashioned way: in a classroom with other students and a teacher at the front of the room. For many, this continued education takes place at their local libraries. According to the Pew Research Center, most adults feel libraries are successful at serving the educational needs of its patrons.

Pew looked at approximately three thousand people aged eighteen and older and researched how and where these adults learned after leaving formal education. What they found is that the Internet is secondary in most respects to physical classroom learning: “For the 75 percent of adults who identified as personal learners, only a third turned to the Internet for most or all of their learning. The study also found differences when it comes to education and income level. For those with a bachelor’s degree, technology is helping. But for those with just a high school diploma, it’s not playing a big role.”[1] Some of this may be accredited to home access: Lower education and lower income households may not have access to broadband and/or are unacquainted with online learning tools like Kahn Academy.

“As a rule, libraries’ performance in learning gets better marks from women, blacks, Hispanics, those in lower income housing, and those ages 30 and older.”[2] Pew Research Center also found that 74 percent of adults have taken “personal learning” programs over the past year, and that 63 percent of full or part-time workers have taken courses or job training programs to inprove their professional skills. Additionally, they found that recent library users are more likely to take courses related to personal interests and or attend learning related events than those who do not use the library.

Pew reports that 62 percent of local libraries offer online career and job related resources, 35 percent offer GED prep courses and materials, and 33 percent offer programs on starting a new business.[3] Libraries provide the perfect opportunities for their patrons to become life-long learners. They provide the location and the instructors for these classes, as well as additional information via books, magazines, or Internet access if a student wants to explore the topic further.

As an adult who went back to school via an online master’s program, I have a first-hand approach to discussing this. I must admit that navigating the world of online education was daunting and was a learning process in and of itself. I made the choice to go online for my education for several reasons, but mainly because of the time and travel commitment of campus life. I felt a sense of dread when I thought about having to drive to campus, find parking, locate buildings and classrooms—not to mention inclement weather. Walking across campus in the middle of a snowstorm cannot compare to the option of attending class on my laptop in my living room, next to a fireplace while drinking a hot beverage.

That said, there were definitely times I wished that I was in a classroom, learning with others. Although online courses allow the option  to interact and ask questions to the class and teacher, I still felt that my learning abilities made human interaction necessary when I struggled with a concept. I do not think I am unique in this regard. Many adults prefer classroom leaning because it is familiar and comfortable because this is the way they were taught to learn in the first place. Similarly, libraries are, for many, a familiar and comfortable source of education and research. Whether you are learning how to file your taxes, taking a coding class, or even attending a jewelry-making or knitting seminar, your local library is a wonderful resource for continuing your lifelong learning experience.

Some adult oriented classes that are offered at my local library are:

  • Extreme Couponing: includes tips, tricks, and time-saving methods for maximum couponing.
  • Computer Basics: a hands-on class that is an introduction to the computer and includes a mouse tutorial.
  • Internet Basics: learn basic Internet terms, as well as how to browse and search using a search engine.
  • Compost Workshop: how to make compost and make your own garden fertilizer.
  • Cake decorating: learn how to decorate a cake with fondant and gumpaste flowers.
  • First Aid: learn skills such as how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock, and other first aid emergencies.

Please share with us the classes your local library offers!

[1] Elissa Nadworthy, “For Adults, Lifelong Learning Happens The Old Fashioned Way,” nprED, March 22, 2016.
[2] John B. Horrigan, “Lifelong Learning and Technology,” Pew Research Center, March 22, 2016.
[3] Ibid.

The post Adults Prefer Physical Classrooms to Virtual first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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