bed bugs in public libraries - Public Libraries Online A Publication of the Public Library Association Thu, 20 Dec 2018 18:50:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FYI Podcast – The Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries Sat, 13 Feb 2016 21:17:30 +0000 We talk to Sarah Kittrell, author of the new PLA book, “The Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries” Kittrell, collection […]

The post FYI Podcast – The Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

We talk to Sarah Kittrell, author of the new PLA book, “The Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries” Kittrell, collection development division manager of the Wichita Public Library, has served as her library’s pest management coordinator since 2012 and has amassed a lot of experience in the arena. In this podcast, we go over how to recognize the signs of a bed bug infestation; creating an action plan; related policies and procedures; and much more!

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The post FYI Podcast – The Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries Now Available Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:25:48 +0000 Digital downloads in the PLA Quick Reads series are all about helping you make the best use of your time by covering important topics in public librarianship in a quick, practical, and direct way. The goal is to shed light on an essential topic quickly and because busy public librarians don’t have a ton of time, each of the publications is under 100 pages.

The post Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries Now Available first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

The Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries is a thorough look at managing an increasingly common problem for public libraries. The book’s expert author, Sarah Kittrell, collection development division manager of the Wichita Public Library, has served as her library’s pest management coordinator since 2012 and has amassed a lot of experience in the arena. As Sarah says, “…while there is no doubt that bed bugs are a headache for libraries…this guide is meant to help you and your library develop the plans and tools that are necessary to ensure introductions are caught and dealt with as quickly as possible, stopping infestation scenarios before they have a chance to truly start. Libraries around the country and world have successfully dealt with bed bugs and you can too.”

This digital download provides information that will help you:

  • Recognize the signs of bed bug introductions and infestations;
  • Create an action plan for dealing with bed bug introductions;
  • Develop policies and procedures to help you work with customers who may have pest issues in their residences;
  • Understand bed bug treatment and mitigation options, allowing you to protect your facilities and collections; and
  • Feel confident talking to the public about bed bugs and what your library is doing to proactively protect your facilities, equipment, and collections.

Order and get more information here.

The post Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries Now Available first appeared on Public Libraries Online.

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