Anthony Molaro Author Archive
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Anthony Molaro, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the School of Business and Professional Studies, MLIS Program at St Catherine University in St Paul, MN. He is also a consultantwith Library Strategies Consulting Group, a division of the Friends of the St Paul Public Library. Anthony co-edited the Library Innovation Toolkit: Ideas, Strategies, and Programs published by ALA Editions and was selected as a Mover & Shaker for the 2011 issue of Library Journal. Anthony has served as Associate Dean of Libraries and Instructional Technology and as a Public Library Director, among other librarian roles, before joining the faculty of St Catherine’s. His areas of expertise include strategic planning, technology planning, customer experience, organizational culture and innovation and design thinking.

Library as Ecotone
May I suggest that the library is an ecotone? We are the space between work and home. We are the space between childhood and adulthood. We are the space between illiteracy and literacy. We are the space between unemployed and employed. We are the space between bullying at school and abuse at home. In the library ecotone life bursts forth; life that could only have begun in our space.