Ben Malczewski Author Archive
Ben Malczewski is the Humanities Department Manager for the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library and lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He attended the University of Toledo, the University of Edinburgh, and Wayne State University and his background is in literary criticism and film studies. Before entering librarianship he was an Americorps volunteer and social worker in the Pacific Northwest. His freelance writing appears frequently in Library Journal (amongst others) where he primarily covers media market analytics and projection, as well as emerging technologies. His recently contributed chapter entitled “Meaningful Space in a Digital Age,” which considers our relationship with our physical surroundings and objects from a neurological/behavioral perspective, reflects on their roles in creating experience and memory, and evolves the library’s notion of content from passive to dynamic, appears in the recently published ALA Editions book Planning Our Future Libraries: Blueprints for 2025. He is currently carching up on back issues of Film Comment and the New Yorker, and re-reading The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne

(Mis)reading Between the Lines: Fifty Shades of the Avatar Effect
The 2013 sales numbers from the Association of American publishers are in, and in what may be seen as a surprising reversal – at least in comparison to recent years’ trends – hardcover books sales increased, while ebook sales have begun to level off.