Comments on: Yoga @ Your Library A Publication of the Public Library Association Thu, 03 Dec 2015 18:52:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Thu, 03 Dec 2015 18:52:06 +0000 I’ve just encountered this apparent phenomenon for the first time. I’m sitting inside a quiet study room. My mother’s mobility scooter is parked outside the study room where this yoga class has just set up. Never mind this library has a large room with a functional door for “events”. It’s ponderous that this is happening right here and now. I know there are other spaces in this town for yoga, so it’s not like anyone is deprived of that. However, anyone going to a library expecting it to be quiet, like libraries have historically been, is being deprived nowadays. This is just so bizarre, I can’t imagine what goes through the minds of the average public library director these days. The decisions being made, and the policies no longer enforced, are just stupefying ponderous, I feel like I am on another planet anymore.
