Christina Mayhand Author Archive
Hi my name is Christina Mayhand and I am a current MLIS student at UNCG. I was born and currently live in North Carolina Greensboro. I plan on opening a Toy Library when I graduate. I am currently reading Oceans of Fire by Christine Feehan

Archived Tweets at the Library of Congress
Tweets have made it to the Library of Congress (LOC) and now the real work sets in as archiving begins When the LOC started working on this project the goals were to preserve tweets from the start of Twitter to 2010 (additional tweets are also to be provided on an ongoing basis); to create a method for processing incoming tweets that require archiving; and to create a structure to organize tweets by date.LOC has achieved these goals, so now they move into the next phase of the project which is to make the information they have collected useful by creating an effective method for accessing the Twitter archive[1].