Comments on: Telling the Story of the Public Library A Publication of the Public Library Association Sun, 22 Sep 2013 03:37:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liz Hernandez Sun, 22 Sep 2013 03:37:53 +0000 Ok, so why wait? I don’t know how I could live without my Public Library. I am a teacher and I check out many books for my students (when I see that they have an interest in a particular thing, I get books on the topic and we discuss them in class –my classroom is always alive with curiosity and discussions). Being a voracious reader I have about 42 items checked out (regular books, books on CDs, books on my kindle, music CDs, movies on DVD, why even books with sheet music/songs). My Librarians have become my friends and helpers. I can discuss my lesson plans and get great ideas from them, as well as share what is going on in my life. You will be hard-pressed to find a more caring and generous group of people; Librarians are living angels. As as for economy and bang for the buck, no where in this world will you ever get a better credit card! For the nominal amount we pay on taxes for our Libraries, we can have access to MILLIONS of dollars worth of items, that we can check out on credit. Find another card with such great terms! Libraries are my home away from home. I can always seek refuge there and feel good. Libraries are OUR treasures; Let’s Treasure Them!!!!

By: Cristy Moran Thu, 27 Dec 2012 22:32:19 +0000 I love the idea of a library’s story and I think that Red Cross idea is a great inspiration for our libraries. Hopefully, people can share their libraries’ stories with Public Libraries Online!
