Vote for Libraries! Register Now for National Library Legislative Day

Are you looking for an opportunity to advocate for public libraries? Do you feel strongly about national library funding? Take advantage of National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) on May 4th and 5th. Join your voice with other library advocates.
Go to the Capitol and encourage our representatives to Vote for Libraries! NLLD is an event that covers two days and is dedicated to national library advocacy. Library supporters canvass the House and Senate in Washington, D.C. to share the positive impact of libraries in our communities. They also raise awareness on current issues and make connections with senators and representatives from around the country.
Everyone who attends NLLD will learn advocacy tips and training. Attendees also have the opportunity to attend briefings on national library issues. Registration for National Library Day ends on Friday, April 24.
If you can’t attend in person, remote attendance options also exist. Share your support for libraries by phone calls, text, email, and social media. You can find more information about ALA’s Legislative initiatives and how to participate virtually in National Library Legislative Day on ALA’s Legislative Action Center. The site also includes tips on how to communicate with your legislators.
Currently, the most pressing national library issues include funding for the Library Services and Technology Act, continued funding for the school library initiative Innovative Approaches to Literacy, and reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Library Services and Technology Act funds are distributed to states through the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The funding is used for collection building, creative and innovative programs, and to promote communicate engagement. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act reinforces the importance of school librarians to students and their education. Innovative Approaches to Literacy program has been the primary source for federal funding of school libraries.
Library advocacy is growing more important each year. Funding is never guaranteed. Make sure your legislators know how important libraries are to you and your community. Lend your voice virtually or in person on NLLD.
National Library Legislative Day
Tags: advocacy, budget cuts, federal funding, Library Advocacy, Library Services and Technology Act, National Library Legislative Day, school libraries