PL Poster Contest Winners Announced!

Congratulations to Mary Frances Kirkpatrick, Linda Bruno, @HiDlovett, and @joseettardif for winning our poster contest! We picked two winners from our Facebook fans and two winners from our Twitter followers. The winners will receive a poster of the March/April cover of our print magazine.
If you are a winner, please e-mail Lian Sze at with your contact information so that we can send you your poster.
If you would like to purchase a poster, they are available for sale. The 12x 18 posters feature feature the March/April 2013 cover, an unique illustration created by artist Jim Lange from Evanston, Ill. Two versions are available—with the Public Libraries masthead and without. The cost is $9.99 + $4.00 for shipping and handling.
Three easy ways to order:
- Fax order form to 312-280-5029
- Mail order form to PLA, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL, 60611
- Call Kathleen Hughes, PLA Publications Manager, at 312-280-4028
Thank you all for participating and we hope you will participate in our next contest!