FYI Podcast: Embedded Librarianship

We talk with Sarah Garbis, Service Manager, Community Embedded Library Service (CELS) at Hennepin County Library. This program pairs librarians with Community Liaisons to shape library practices and extend programs and services for communities that experience the greatest barriers to library access. The collaborative staffing approach—librarians and local liaisons working together with community—draws on the expertise of each. Librarians bring program and service development skills as well as expertise navigating systems. Community Liaisons have deep knowledge of a community, its people, culture, and language as well as expertise in community engagement and development.
Embedded Librarianship: From Laundromats to Zumba Class by Noah Lenstra, Public Libraries Online
Whole Person Librarianship
Get Out of the Library! Embedding Librarians in Our Community by Meredith Farkas, American Libraries
Hennepin County Library
Tags: embedded librarianship