Getting Down to Business

A little over a month ago I became the Business Liaison at Barrington Area (Illinois) Library. When I accepted the position I was elated and, yes, a little nervous. The previous Business Liaison had done amazing work and I knew that I had some pretty big shoes to fill, but I was ready to take on the challenge. Fast-forward to today and I can tell you that I have already learned so much about the position and myself. And it’s just the beginning.
So, what exactly is a Library Business Liaison? The short answer is that the Business Liaison collaborates with local businesses and job seekers alike to assist them in their business needs. What I actually do to meet these goals is kind of a mixed bag. For example, one day I will teach a class at a local career center about using library resources to improve job searches; the next day I will host a program about using your iPad for business needs; the following day could mean meeting one-on-one with someone to go over anything from creating lists of targeted companies and consumers to instruction on editing video footage for a commercial. Literally no two days this past month have been the same.
Some background information about myself: during my graduate school days at the University of Illinois, I worked as an Assistant Librarian in Youth Services at the Barrington Area Library. It was my first professional position at a public library and it reaffirmed my decision to pursue a career in public librarianship. After working as an Adult Services Librarian for almost two years, I became the Business Liaison in the Adult Services Department, which combines my passions for instruction, outreach, and connecting with the community. Lucky for me, the former Business Liaison left a wealth of detailed information that has allowed me to (relatively) hit the ground running.
So what’s next? That’s for you and me to find out and that’s why I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you as a contributor to PLOnline. Right now I have plans for programming, making connections with the variety of local businesses in our community, participating in business committees, and teaching our patrons about our many business databases. But the truth is, this position will most likely evolve in ways that I can’t even foresee–and I couldn’t be more intrigued. I am looking forward to connecting with you in library land this 2014! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the business of being a business librarian – talk to me in the comments below!