Sure Bet Bests: Matching Readers With Their “Best” Reads

Free PLA Member-Exclusive Webinar: Sure Bet Bests: Matching Readers With Their “Best Reads”
December 7, 2016; 1:00 PM Central
The end of each year brings a deluge of lists with everyone and their neighbor weighing in on what are the “best” books. But are this year’s “best” titles a sure bet to recommend to your readers? And what happens in a few months? What lists can we fall back on as we work with readers no matter the season?
Join Readers’ Advisory specialist, Becky Spratford, as she takes you down this year’s “best” list rabbit hole, makes sense of the larger reading trends it illustrates, and starts you off on crafting your plan to help your patrons find the right read for them. Together we will look at how to turn the excitement of “best” season into an actionable plan where you, your entire staff (from public service to behind the scenes), and even your patrons themselves can get in on the act, suggest books to each other, and allow you to have the “best” service to readers all the year through.
At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will:
- Understand how to use “best” designations as a tool to help readers find the right book for them;
- Know how to create “sure bets” lists and why they are essential to our work with leisure readers; and
- Be able to engage patrons in telling you what they think is the ”best.”
Becky Spratford, MLIS, Readers’ Advisory specialist
Date: December 7, 2016
Time: 1:00–2:00 PM Central
This webinar is free and exclusively for PLA personal members, but registration is required and space is limited. PLA personal members can register for this webinar until it begins, or until space is no longer available, whichever comes first. Find complete details and register here.
Tags: best books lists, PLA members, readers advisory webinar